• 一种用作生产生物柴油燃料原料甘油三酯进行纯化方法

    A method for purification of crude triglycerides to be used as a raw material for production of biodiesel fuel.


  • 但是不像基于大豆其他植物生物柴油并不农作物土地食品产品变成燃料产品。

    But unlike biodiesels based on soya or other plants, it does not divert crops or land from food production into fuel production.


  • 统计过使用不同燃料需要付出健康代价后,科学家指出某些生物燃料引起健康问题甚于汽油柴油

    Some biofuels cause more health problems than petrol and diesel, according to scientists who have calculated the health costs associated with different types of fuel.


  • 吉本斯解释第一生物燃料专注玉米提炼乙醇,大豆用来提炼生物柴油

    Gibbons explains that the first generation of biofuels focused on using corn for ethanol and soybeans for biodiesel.


  • 目前,“生物燃料”仅玉米甘蔗中的糖类发酵产生乙醇加工过植物油脂所产生的植物柴油

    At the moment, "biofuel" means either ethanol made by the fermentation of sugars from cane or maize, or biodiesel from processed plant oils.


  • 生物燃料不同,可再生柴油直接进入石油管道炼油设施

    Unlike biodiesel, renewable diesel can go directly into the petroleum pipeline and refining infrastructure.


  • 生物燃料不同,可再生柴油直接进入石油管道炼油设施

    Unlike biodiesel renewable diesel can go directly into the petroleum pipeline and refining infrastructure.


  • 收集上来食用油通过提炼最终变成生物柴油运营该市12条线路的快速公车提供燃料

    The collected cooking oil is refined and recycled for use as biodiesel fuel (BDF) in the very same buses, which run on 12 routes through the city.


  • 眼下科技进步为乙醇生物柴油全球燃料结构中的地位提供了支持

    For the moment, technological advances are supporting ethanol and biodiesel's place in the global fuel mix.


  • 不同来源的东西具备生产生物柴油可再生柴油潜力,”明尼苏达大学生物燃料专家道格拉斯·蒂凡尼

    "You've got all these different sources and they all have they potential to be made into biodiesel or renewable diesel," said Douglas Tiffany, a biofuels expert at the University of Minnesota.


  • 煤灰化石燃料(特别是柴油煤碳)、木材其他生物燃料燃烧释放的。

    Soot is released from burning fossil fuels (particularly diesel and coal), wood, and other biofuels.


  • 美国明尼苏达州颁布了一项法令:即所有该州内销售柴油含有2%的生物燃料(其中的大部分来自该州种植大豆农民生产作物)。

    In America, Minnesota has decreed that all diesel sold in the state has to contain 2% biodiesel (much of it from the crops grown by the state's soya farmers).


  • 生产生物柴油时,植物油中的脂肪需要种酒精作用——通常甲醇——生成生物燃料分子

    To make biodiesel fats in the vegetable oil are reacted with a form of alcohol-usually methanol-to form the biodiesel molecule.


  • 生产生物柴油时,植物油中的脂肪需要种酒精作用——通常甲醇——生成生物燃料分子

    To make biodiesel, fats in the vegetable oil are reacted with a form of alcohol-usually methanol-to form the biodiesel molecule.


  • 目前大多数生物燃料或是通常甘蔗玉米制成的乙醇或是植物油制成的生物柴油

    At the moment, most biofuels are either ethanol, usually made from sugarcane or maize, or biodiesel, made from plant oils.


  • 目前服务站销售自己发明的燃料顶住了外国石油公司的诱惑,拒绝出售生产生物柴油专利

    He now sells his fuel at service stations, but refuses to sell his patent, despite attractive offers from overseas oil firms.


  • 这因为这样圣地亚哥大学国内周边研究人员正在致力于开发第三生物燃料这种燃料直接代替现行汽油柴油喷气式发动机燃料

    Because of this, researchers at SDSU and around the country are pushing ahead to develop third generation biofuels that could be used as direct replacements for gasoline, diesel or jet fuel.


  • 此外,升级机动车内的柴油过滤装置很容易,燃烧生物废料的炉灶改造成太阳能天然气燃料

    Next, diesel filters in cars can be upgraded, and biomass-burning stoves can be exchanged for technology that uses solar power or natural gas.


  • 藻类之所以吸引力是因为他们有能力生产更多燃料,他们产生的燃料可能达到制造酒精玉米生产生物柴油10甚至更多。

    Algae are attracting attention because the strains can potentially produce 10 or more times more fuel per acre than the corn used to make ethanol or the soybeans used to make biodiesel.


  • 丰田汽车混合燃料技术方面赢得了人们很大的兴趣,他们正在开发一系列燃料电池电动汽车其他清洁能源汽车,这些汽车使用生物燃料清洁柴油

    Toyota Motor Corp., which has already won strong interest in its petrol-electric hybrids, is developing a range of fuel cell, electric and other clean cars that run on biofuel or clean diesel.


  • 第二方法也被称作“反应炉裂解法”:利用高温压力纤维素生物转换成长这种烃链汽油柴油喷气式发动机燃料相类似

    A second process, called thermochemical pyrolysis, USES high temperatures and pressures to convert cellulosic biomass into long hydrocarbon chains that are similar to gas, diesel or jet fuel.


  • 预计增长持续液体生物燃料(主要是乙醇生物柴油)运输能源贡献率十分有限,对全球能源利用贡献率则更为有限。

    The growth is expected to continue, but the contribution of liquid biofuels (mostly ethanol and biodiesel) to transport energy, and even more so, to global energy use will remain limited.


  • 比格尔一样倡导使用可再生柴油的人士这种柴油其它方面优于生物燃料

    Renewable diesel advocates like Bigger say that it beats out biodiesel in other areas as well.


  • 生物燃料乙醇生物柴油已经引起广泛关注研究员研究植物农业废物变成塑料

    Biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, have been attracting a lot of attention, and researchers are working on making plastics from plants and agricultural wastes.


  • 生物纤维素还有一个优点,就是可以转变任何形式燃料——酒精常规汽油柴油甚至航空燃油

    Cellulosic biomass can also be converted to any type of fuel-ethanol, ordinary gasoline, diesel, even jet fuel.


  • 生物纤维素还有一个优点,就是可以转变任何形式燃料——酒精常规汽油柴油甚至航空燃油

    Cellulosic biomass can also be converted to any type of fuel-ethanol, ordinary gasoline, diesel, even jet fuel.


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