The next major step is to create the function that makes the phone call once the user agent server addresses have been set.
从第一个服务器成功获取响应之后,启动对第二个用户代理服务器(UAS - 2)的请求。
It initiates the request to the second user agent server (UAS-2) after getting a successful response from the first server.
HTTP应用程序将显示采用两个SIP用户代理服务器 (UAS)的地址和端口号的网页,并启动它们之间的连接。
The HTTP application will display a Web page that takes the address and port numbers of two SIP User Agent Servers (UAS) and initiate a connection between them.
与转发请求的代理不同,B2BUA 同时充当进一步参与 SIP事务的用户代理服务器 (UAS)和用户代理客户机 (UAC)。
Unlike a proxy that forwards on the requests, a B2BUA acts as both a user agent server (UAS) and a user agent client (UAC) to further participate in the SIP transaction.
Because proxy servers handle all the communications, they can log everything the user does.
In addition, application proxy servers can authenticate users.
You have an authenticating proxy server that just sends the user ID as an HTTP header without any authentication information.
Okay, users browse to an Ajax Web site and load the Ajax application engine, preferably from the browser's cache or, if not, from a local proxy server.
Proxy Authentication Required You must authenticate with a proxy server before this request can be served.
Establish an SSH session with the given username and password. Additional arguments such as a proxy server can also be given here.
Username and password access to HTTP proxy server when making service requests.
And some proxy server configurations have made it difficult for other users to access the site.
For example, we have seen some users coming into the Interactive Edition from a proxy server who are unable to successfully use phrase-search feature available in the search Archive.
The DMZ should consist of processes like Web servers or proxy servers that will terminate the user's connection before it reaches the backend "trusted" zone.
SIP also provides a registration function that allows users to upload their current locations for user by proxy servers.
Use this dialog box to specify the type of user credentials to be passed to a proxy server to let you download RSS feeds and use online Help.
The invention includes a method and an apparatus for protecting a user device from web attacks using a proxy server.
In the campus network, resource stealing is a serious phenomenon. An authenticated user can offer proxy service by privately opening proxy server or offer NAT service.
The driver does not only limit the user to use broadband router, it also limits the behavior that user to uninstall the access drivers to startup the proxy server.
支持修改用户的代理,通过代理服务器连接的一些移动运营商(O2的,在德国) 。
Support for modified User-Agent to pass proxy connection for some mobile carriers (O2 in Germany).
Otherwise, your server can be used by any client to access arbitrary hosts while hiding his or her true identity. This is dangerous both for your network and for the Internet at large.
These users are typically on private IP networks where the client machines have indirectaccess to the public Internet via email and HTTP Proxies.
You can configure Proxy Server to permit or deny inbound SQL Server access to specific users, services, ports, and IP domains.
You can configure Proxy Server to permit or deny inbound SQL Server access to specific users, services, ports, and IP domains.