The difference is that a TAB separates each value, rather than a comma.
根据RFC 2253,DN是用逗号分隔的组件列表的形式编写的,每个组件都有自己的值。
According to RFC 2253, a DN is written as a comma-separated list of components, with each component having its value.
这不是一个完美的测试 —如果这个变量包含一列用逗号分隔的组“fred,ginger”,则它将匹配 tracexsl:trace 的值 "red" 。
This isn't a perfect test -- if the variable contains the comma-separated list of groups "fred,ginger", it will match a tracexsl:trace value of "red".
域名是MBean标识符的第一部分 —用逗号分隔的名 /值对列表完全限定名称。
Domain names are the first part of the MBean identifier — the comma-delimited list of name/value pairs fully qualifies the name. Calling server.queryNames(null
An array is an ordered collection of values. An array begins with [(left bracket) and ends with] (right bracket). Values are separated by, (comma).
An array is an ordered collection of values. An array begins with [(left bracket) and ends with] (right bracket). Values are separated by, (comma).