• 过去一年里至少有两律师事务所由于合同制律师遭起诉

    In the past year, at least two law firms have been sued over issues relating to work by contract attorneys.


  • 而且由于合同变更合同转让,给第三权利义务产生了重大影响

    Meanwhile the change and transfer of the contract will also have big effect on the third person's right and obligation.


  • 在建设过程中,有时需要征用财产转移人口由于合同价值极高投标程序往往具有很强竞争性

    Property expropriation and population resettlement is occasionally required, and the bidding process is often fiercely competitive, given the high value of the contracts.


  • 由于合同得到对方的核准无法准确说出什么时候系统开始运作——可能秋天吧。

    Since the contract has not been awarded yet, I can't say exactly when the new system will be operative - hopefully sometime in the fall.


  • 同样的闹剧菲律宾首都马尼拉上演。由于合同条款问题,建立新的候机楼计划已经延迟4之久。

    A similar farce is playing out in the Philippine capital, Manila, where a planned new air terminal has been delayed by four years because of contract rows.


  • 在建设工程实施过程中,由于合同所引起纠纷索赔等问题屡屡发生成为工程索赔的首要原因

    Many disputes and claims caused by engineering contract occurrence frequently, during the project performance, which has become the first factor of engineering claims.


  • 特别是工程建设领域由于合同标的物特殊性合同主体合同关系复杂性,使得一现象尤为突出

    In the field of project constructions, this phenomenon stands out, because of the specialty of contract objects, the complexity of main body of contract and it's relationships.


  • 第三由于合同双方进行交易处理争议惟一法律依据我们合同中的每个条款拟定清楚。

    Thirdly, we should draft every clause of the contract properly since the contract is the only legal document for the execution of transaction and the settlement of the dispute.


  • 意大利西班牙由于合同条款中规定,在通胀高于预期水平的时候,工人得到补偿,故此尽管失业率不断上升工资水平却是一路飞涨。

    In Italy and Spain, wage growth is picking up even as unemployment rises, because of contract clauses allowing workers to be compensated for higher-than-expected inflation.


  • 第四部分解决由于合同效力状态重新构建带来需要说明的问题,从而使得合同效力的层次结构从理论上看是完整的、可行的。

    The fourth part solves some problems brought by the new framework of contract state of effectiveness in order to make the new framework more integrated and feasible.


  • 违约行为有的是由于合同当事人原因造成的,有的由于合同当事人之外第三原因造成的,而后一种情况又使违约责任复杂起来

    Some of the behaviours of violating contracts should be due to the party concerned, others to the third party. And the latter complicated the duty of violating contracts.


  • 由于未能赢得这份合同,造船厂又遭到次惨重的打击

    The shipyard has been dealt another crushing blow with the failure to win this contract.


  • 由于家公司签署一项合同预计今年上海移动通信占有量翻一番

    Mobile telecommunications possession is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.


  • 如果此后他们的分包合同由于某种原因削减这些公司可能会面临潜在严重固定支出

    If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses.


  • 亚马逊等网站协商出版商表示由于情况不稳定他们希望签订两年期合同,与此同时却对作者提出版权期限要求

    Publishers in negotiations with Amazon, or whoever, say they want two-year contracts because there's such flux, but at the same time are asking authors for the duration of copyright.


  • 由于工人国内可能更多需要签订一个关乎双方利益合同

    A mutually beneficial contract could be entered into, since the worker would still make more than at home.


  • 由于贵方交货拖延,我方要求取消合同

    We want to cancel the contract because of your delay in delivery.


  • 由于操作过程简单无需合同虽然花费贵一些,但还是受到大众的欢迎。

    These are popular because they are simple and do not involve contracts, even though they might cost more.


  • 同时由于近期授粉合同价格居高不下使得冬天蜜蜂补充食物变得划算起来

    Meanwhile, the recent high prices for pollination contracts made it look worthwhile fattening bees up with supplements over the winter.


  • 由于兼并破产慈善业要努力签订了合同捐赠者基金会里争夺钱款。

    Charities are also competing for money from a donor base that is contracting because of mergers and bankruptcies.


  • 由于秘密合同因此知道为什么该工程雇佣外国人IREM团队合作过团队成员技能认为特别娴熟。

    It is not known why the jobs were given only to foreigners, as the contract is secret: IREM has worked with this team and is thought to believe its staff especially skilled.


  • 说认为由于客户签署一份为期两年的合同可获得补贴售价的手机。

    “Economically, it turns out great for them, ” he said, because new customers are required to sign a two-year contract to get the subsidized price.


  • 机组人员去年秋天由于薪酬问题继续罢工通过西班牙航空进行谈判后,他们获得合同,也承诺洽谈期间不会罢工。

    Cabin crews went on strike last autumn over pay, but are currently negotiating a new contract with Iberia and have pledged not to strike while the talks continue.


  • 由于发现不会受到专利保护,那些出价最低竞标者可以拿到合同

    Because discoveries wouldn't be patented, contracts could be awarded to the lowest bidder.


  • KBR高级官员由于减少伊拉克合同机会公司寻找民间的基础设施重建机会。

    Top KBR officials have said that, especially in light of declining Iraq contract opportunities, the company would be looking to civilian infrastructure-rebuilding opportunities.


  • KBR高级官员由于减少伊拉克合同机会公司寻找民间的基础设施重建机会。

    Top KBR officials have said that, especially in light of declining Iraq contract opportunities, the company would be looking to civilian infrastructure-rebuilding opportunities.


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