• 电子束焊接独特优点应用广泛。

    Due to the unique advantage, the electronic beam welding are used extensively.


  • 广泛报导集中合金电子束焊接

    Its comprehensive coverage focuses on electron beam welding of steels and alloys.


  • 装置实现真空电子束焊接重要部件

    The flow resistance device is a important unit for achieving electron beam welding in partial vacuum.


  • 电子束焊接焦 点大小影响焊缝成型重要因素

    The size of beam spot of EBW is important factor which affects weld configuration.


  • 计算结果表明:钛合金电子束焊接时,熔典型卵形分布。

    The results of the simulation show that the shape of the weld pool is typically oval.


  • 空心焊接特殊性采用真空电子束焊接激光焊接更为有利

    The welding of hollow aluminium ball has more particularities, it adopts the vacuum electronic beam welding that is more favorable than laser welding.


  • 结果表明:射线探伤检验中压电子束焊接合格率优于高压电子束焊接

    The results show that the qualified ratio of medium-pressure electron beam welding is higher than high-pressure electron beam welding in radiographic inspection.


  • 本文主要研究LF2铝合金Q235之间异种金属电子束焊接工艺。

    The dissimilar metals joining between aluminum alloy LF2 and Q235 steel with electron beam welding (EBW) was investigated.


  • 采用有限元方法定量分析电子束焊接工艺参数铍环表面温度关系

    In this paper, relation between electron beam welding parameters and temperature field of beryllium is studied quantitatively with finite element method.


  • 喷管发动机重要部件,其连接采用电子束焊接方法,对质量要求很高。

    As an important part of engine, the welding quality of the tail pipe should be ensured when jointing it using the electron beam welding.


  • 力学性能比较,中压高压电子束焊接接头力学性能要好尤其是冲击性能。

    From the mechanical property, medium-pressure electron beam welding is better than that of high-pressure, especially the impact toughness.


  • 研究角锥喇叭天线电子束焊接工艺传统的弧焊成形工艺进行对比

    EBW procedure of pyramidal horn antenna was researched, including joint design, welding parameters confirmation, etc. And the comparisons with TIG procedure were also made.


  • 论述离合器齿轮采用真空电子束焊接工艺过程特点设计夹具保证焊接质量

    This article introduces the process and characteristics of clutch gear welded by vacuum electron beam and jig design for better welding quality.


  • 橡胶隔膜研制中,通过焊接过程隔膜受热状态分析优化选择了电子束焊接规范参数

    In course of the development of the membrane tank, via the status analysis is heated. The electron beam welding norm parameter chose in the optimization.


  • 介绍用真空电子束焊接大型客车后桥壳半轴工艺方法,焊接过程存在主要问题进行了分析。

    The process of vacuum electron beam welding for rear-axle housing semiaxis of coach was introduced and the major problems in the process of welding was analysed.


  • 本文主要介绍彩管横拼双金属材料应用概况对材料性能要求以及有关真空电子束焊接的看法。

    This paper introduced the applications and the specifications of property of bimetal strips laterally welded and the welding process by the vacuum electron - beam gun.


  • 真空电子束焊接航天器件圆形焊缝时,由于工装等原因,出现电子枪回转中心焊缝圆心不同心现象。

    When the annular parts of a spaceflight apparatus were welded, the centre of the rotation of electron gun and the centre of the annular weld are usually not superposed.


  • 电子束焊接残余应力实测需要花费大量成本因此采用数值模拟焊接残余应力的大小分布具有重要意义

    The measurement of residual stress of electron beam welding need to expend great cost, so it is important to numerically simulate the value and distribution of welding residual stresses.


  • 针对7075铝合金中厚板真空电子束焊接过程,采用非线性有限元法,焊接接头残余应力分布进行了数值模拟

    Aim at 7075 aluminium alloy vacuum electronic beam welding, using nonlinear finite element, the numerical simulation of the residual stresses distribution in welding joint was made.


  • 结果表明冲击高温合金电子束焊接影响区的微裂纹损伤主要原因,热冲击损伤效应导致接头力学性能劣化

    The results show that the HAZ microfissuring damage of superalloy EBW joints induces mechanical properties deterioration which is attributed to the EBW thermal shock.


  • 电子束焊接具有显著小孔效应一特点决定着电子束焊接过程普通熔化不同焊接应力变形产生重要影响

    Electron beam welding has significant keyhole effect, it induces the electron beam welding different from general melting, and also important influence on its welding stresses and distortion.


  • 通过金相技术力学性能试验SEM技术研究了6061-T6铝合金真空电子束焊接接头金相组织、力学性能断口形貌特征。

    The metallurgical structures, mechanical properties and fractographs of EB welded 6061-T6 aluminum alloy joint were studied by means of metallography, mechanical test and SEM technology.


  • 电子束焊接(EBW)一种技术成熟焊接方法焊接生产提供了很多便利条件避免了材料的变形并且使冶金变化的影响减到最小

    Electron Beam welding (EBW) is a mature welding process which offers many advantages in terms of weld productivity, avoidance of distortion and minimal metallurgical disturbance.


  • 回顾前人利用电子束焊接过程产生特有现象作为研究瞬态过程的依据,揭示一些焊接瞬态特征以及提出各种有关电子束穿透焊接物理模型

    Some special dynamic characteristics were disclosed using some special phenomena in the EBW processing, and at the same time, the physical models of the EB deep penetration were put forward.


  • 电子束焊机电子枪高压电源真空机组、真空焊接电气控制系统工装夹具工作台行走系统部分组成。

    Electron beam welding machine consists of electron gun, high-voltage power, vacuum unit, vacuum welding chamber, electrical control system, fixture and working station running system and etc.


  • 论文着重研究真空电子束温度激光焊接温度场的测量

    This thesis researches the temperature field measurement of the welding of electron beam in the vacuum and laser welding pool.


  • 焊接利用处理偏差值圆形焊缝相应位置不断修正电子枪位置,从而达到电子束束斑与焊缝自动对中的目的。

    During the welding process, the computer will modify the position of the electron gun based on the deviation to make the electron beam spot centered on the annular weld groove.


  • 激光电子束等高能焊接加热具有升温速度快集中性瞬时性强等特点,被焊材料造成热冲击

    Laser and electron beam welding produce thermal shocks on the materials with rapid transient and concentrated high energy beam.


  • 激光电子束等高能焊接加热具有升温速度快集中性瞬时性强等特点,被焊材料造成热冲击

    Laser and electron beam welding produce thermal shocks on the materials with rapid transient and concentrated high energy beam.


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