• 凯拉从此就为那些电影续集出现问题叹惋比如说缺乏剧情

    Keira has since bemoaned certain issues that arose when shooting the sequels, such as a lack of script. Explains a lot...


  • 电影续集要播出了,发现最后一幕中演员似乎难掩一个圈内笑话笑容

    The next movie in the series came out, and you read that the actors are trying not to laugh at an inside joke in the last scene.


  • 如果这部电视剧能够快速的在2012至2013的电视栏上榜上有名,那么电影续集将会取消

    Should the series get fast-tracked for a 2012-2013 TV season spot, the film sequel will be scrapped.


  • 皮克斯续集就像票房第二高的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》一样,3D电影中的热门之一

    The Pixar sequel, like second highest-grossing title Alice in Wonderland, was one of several hit movies released in 3D.


  • 一旦一部影片成功了,往往就一部“续集”出现,这部紧随其后电影注定建立前一部影片名气之上票房收入方面延续故事生命的。

    Once, when a movie was successful there used to be a "sequel", a follow-up film destined to build on the popularity of its predecessor and extend the life of the story at the box office.


  • 接下来蹩脚好莱坞电影系列片一样我们可能就要开始谈论QE1QE2续集了。

    Then, just like a bad Hollywood film series, we may end up talking about a sequel to QE1 and QE2.


  • 大多数电影游戏来说,续集足以第一时间体验的粉丝们战栗哭泣

    With most movies and games, sequels give first-installment fans cause to shudder and weep.


  • 对于衍生出续集舞台预算美国电影来说,1987年幸运一年

    The year 1987 was a good one for big budget American films of the kind that spawn sequels and stage shows.


  • 一部电影讲述了五月十二月的浪漫爱情到了他们的感情进入到了婚姻阶段

    A May-December romance that started in the first movie moves to a matrimonial phase in this sequel.


  • 夜晚小岛蓝色的光芒,就像块巨大的布告板,在为电影《电子世界争霸战》的续集做广告。

    At night, the island glows blue like a billboard for the Tron sequel.


  • 福克斯电影娱乐公司董事长Jim GianopulosTomRothman将《阿凡达续集称作电影制片厂优先考虑的影片。

    Fox Filmed Entertainment chairmen Jim Gianopulos and Tom Rothman called the Avatar sequels the studio's highest priority.


  • 安吉丽娜·朱莉在电影古墓丽影稍显逊色的劳拉·克罗夫特(Lara Croft)这一角色的成功演绎,使得电子游戏中的女英雄立马成为轰动一时的流行偶像。

    Videogame heroine Lara Craft became a pop-culture sensation when Angelina Jolie took on the character for one good Tomb Raider movie and a so-so sequel.


  • 华纳兄弟影业即将出品的《大侦福尔摩斯续集的官方电影正式确定,这部名为《大侦探福尔摩斯:影子游戏/Sherlock Holmes: A Gameof Shadows》影片将2011年1216上映

    Warner Bros. upcoming sequel Sherlock Holmes II has been re-titled to Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, which is still slated for release on December 16.


  • 电影《武林外传》是一部搞笑喜剧,故事是电视版续集

    As a sequel of the original story, the movie will continue in the previous humorous style.


  • 很多电影都出了续集,像《加勒比海盗》,《蜘蛛侠》,《蝙蝠侠》,《怪物史莱克》等等影片在其第一部电影发行后连续又发行了第二部第三续集电影

    Lots of films these days have sequels - Pirates of the Caribbean, Spiderman, Batman, Shrek. If a film is successful, a second or even third version of the film might be made.


  • 许多感觉游戏电影一样,已经过于依赖续集效应了

    And many people feel that gaming, like the film business, is too dependent on sequels already.


  • 面临盗版压力大型电影公司,需要能够全球盈利且能成功地续集进行特许经营电影

    He said the large film studios, which face pressures such as piracy, need films which are "dead certs" that will work globally and become successful franchises with sequels.


  • 导演詹妮弗·于·尼尔森说:“因为续集我们必须广阔视野展现世界并且向观众呈现一部电影的有异国风情的地方。

    Because it is a sequel, we had to push the world into a much vaster scale and give people more of the exotic locations than were in the first film,” said the director, Jennifer Yuh Nelson.


  • 阿凡导演正在寻找拍摄续集地点设在电影中虚拟星球帕多拉海洋

    The "Avatar" director is finding locations for the movie's sequel, which is to be set in the oceans of the movie's fictional planet, Pandora.


  • 几篇文章专门探讨来自电影续集许多哲学问题中的一些

    These pages are dedicated to exploring some of the many philosophical ideas that arise in both the original film and the sequels.


  • 认为可以安全电影的时候,制片厂负责人对外公布,计划要为年度精心策划的浪漫喜剧情人节》拍续集

    Just when you thought it might be safe to go back to the multiplex, studio executives have announced plans for a follow-up to this year's critically panned romantic comedy, Valentine's Day.


  • 一切都是真实的。”马歇尔代替了执导电影,放弃继续拍摄续集戈尔 维宾斯基。

    Marshall (Chicago) replaces Gore Verbinski, who opted to leave the franchise after directing the first three films.


  • 这部电影续集预计明年上映,但是不会再出演角色。

    A sequel is due out next year but she will not be in it.


  • 由于玩具总动员3’票房非常成功皮克斯动画工作室现在正积极筹备,计划推出流行动画电影续集,这部英国石油公司赞助的电影叫做‘现在你倒是给我找找看尼啊’(TryFinding Nemo Now)。

    Because of the success of 'Toy Story 3,' Pixar is now rushing ahead with its plans to do a sequel to one of its most popular movies, presented by BP. It's BP presents 'Try Finding Nemo Now.


  • 是什么使一部普通粗制滥造作品续集能变成今年的一部有创意恐怖电影呢?

    What could have been a standard potboiler of a sequel turns out to be one of the more creative and steady scary movies of the year?


  • 看起来接下来两部阿凡达系列电影会紧接在一起拍摄虽然这部电影缔造者表明能力避免落入如其他电影续集总是走老路线陷阱

    It seems likely that the next two Avatar films will be shot back-to-back, though the film-maker is suggesting he'll be able to avoid the pitfalls of other series which have followed a similar route.


  • 看起来接下来两部阿凡达系列电影会紧接在一起拍摄虽然这部电影缔造者表明能力避免落入如其他电影续集总是走老路线陷阱

    It seems likely that the next two Avatar films will be shot back-to-back, though the film-maker is suggesting he'll be able to avoid the pitfalls of other series which have followed a similar route.


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