• 文章介绍了国内外变电站综合自动化系统电磁抗干扰实验标准提出提高电磁抗干扰能力应注意的几个问题。

    This paper introduced the electromagnetic disturbance test standard of integrated automatization in substation. and advanced some method to improving its reliability in electromagnetic environment.


  • 软件抗干扰技术抑制电磁干扰重要手段

    Software anti-interference technology is important means to restrain electromagnetic interference.


  • 本文分析了干扰对某CAT系统影响,电磁屏蔽电源系统、传输线路接地系统等进行了硬件抗干扰设计

    The paper analyzes interference of jam in the CAT system, and accomplishes anti-jamming hardware design based on design of electromagnetism shield, power supply, transmit lines and grounding system.


  • 分析外界电磁干扰称重显示仪表影响因素及其来源提出相应抗干扰措施

    This paper analyses on the influencing factors of external electromagnet interference on weighting display instruments and their origin, and puts forward some corresponding anti-interference measures.


  • 经实验证明,文中所提到这些抗干扰方法可行有效,并且对其它电力电子装置电磁兼容性设计具有一定的借鉴作用

    The anti-interference methods are proved feasible and effective in practical, which are also useful to electromagnetic compatibility design of other electronic devices.


  • 电磁轴承感性负载直接影响着高速轴承-转子系统抗干扰能力

    The induction load of active magnetic bearing(AMB) can directly affect the anti-jamming ability of the high-speed bearing-rotor system.


  • 着重介绍电磁兼容性引信试验场中五维定位系统设计中的重要作用系统设计所采用抗干扰方法和对策。

    The important role of electromagnetic compatibility in five-dimension positioning system in fuse test field and the methods for handling the noises in this system are presented emphatically.


  • 给定转速实际转速作为输入信号,给定电磁转矩作为输出信号,设计ADRC速度调节器提高系统抗干扰能力

    The ADRC speed regulator is designed with the given speed and real speed as inputs and the given electromagnetic torque as output to improve the anti-interference ability of system.


  • 数控系统一般电磁环境强的工业生产现场使用。所以数控系统设计应该电磁干扰具有足够抗干扰能力

    The CNC system is used for industrial production field with stronger electromagnetic environment and should have enough anti-interference capability when it is designed.


  • 控制器线路设计采取一系列抗干扰措施可以电磁干扰十分严重环境中可靠工作

    The controller has taken a series of anti-jamming measures on the circuit design, can work reliably in grave electromagnetic interference environment.


  • 光纤技术用于导弹控制系统中,有效解决了控制系统的电磁兼容电气隔离抗干扰问题,大大提高了导弹控制系统的性能与可靠性。

    Optical fiber technology is used in missile control system, which can resolve the electromagnetic interfere, the electric isolation, anti-jamming and so on in control system effectively.


  • 随着敌对人为干扰日益增多电磁环境日益恶劣抗干扰逐渐成为卫星导航接收机必备能力之一

    With the increasing hostile man-made interference and electromagnetic environment worsening, anti-jamming gradually become one of the essential ability in satellite navigation receivers.


  • 除此之外简单脉冲多普勒体制高度表也很难满足现代复杂电磁环境下抗干扰能力要求

    Moreover, simple pulse Doppler radar altimeter system can't satisfy the demands for anti-jamming in complex electromagnetic environment.


  • 如果精密电路控制微型,视电路抗干扰能力而定,可能需要订购电磁干扰的微型泵。

    If you have precise control of micro-pump circuit, depending on the circuit may be anti-jamming capability, you may need to order a low electromagnetic interference micro-pump.


  • 软件抗干扰硬件抑制电磁干扰措施补充延伸使激光器系统具有很高可靠性

    The software anti-jamming is the supplementation and extension of the measures of the hardware suppressing the electromagnetic interference, which can make the laser system have the high reliability.


  • 印制电路板电磁兼容性为核心分析电磁干扰的产生机理详细介绍了设计装配印制电路板时抗干扰措施

    The mechanism of EMI is analyzed, and the anti-interference measures of the PCB in design and assemble are amply introduced with the core of EMC.


  • 针对作者自行研发木材应力分等系统进行抗干扰设计抑制电网电源、传输通道、电磁辐射等不同干扰因素木材应力分等系统影响

    Focused on a lumber stress rating system developed by the authors, a set of anti-interference designs to restrain the effects of different disturbance factors on the system were conducted.


  • 电磁兼容性(emc)。第4 - 3部分试验测量技术辐射射频电磁抗干扰试验

    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test.


  • 提出微处理器系统硬件电路软件抗干扰设计方法结果表明万能断路器具有良好电磁兼容性实际运行稳定可靠安全

    The hardware circuit and software's anti-jamming design method were raised, and the results show the universal circuit breaker is with fine EMC, stable in actual operation, reliable and safe.


  • 接着ECU电磁兼容性进行了有效设计,并着重解决了ECU抗干扰性能

    To ensure the anti-interference capability of the ECU, the EMC design of the ECU is carried out.


  • 介绍万能断路器实际运行中的电磁兼容问题万能式断路器的干扰抗干扰问题。

    Introduction to the problem of EMC in the operation of universal circuit breaker was made, that is the problem of interference and anti-jamming of universal circuit breaker.


  • 电控系统的ECU设计上采用了新的电磁兼容技术解决ECU抗干扰问题

    A new EMC technique is applied to ECU to solve the problem of electromagnetic disturbance.


  • 光电集成电场传感器用于电场测量,具有抗干扰好,对被测电磁场的影响以及响应速度快等特点。

    The integrated optical electric field sensor (OEFS) has the advantages including small size, short response time and effective immunity to EMI.


  • 电磁兼容抗干扰测试仪器电磁兼容测试重要一类测试仪器,对于这些仪器的校准测试仍然没有圈家计量检定规程校准规范

    EMS testing instruments are important instruments in EMC test. However, there are no verification regulation or calibration specification on tne calibration of these instruments.


  • 针对变电站电磁环境恶劣情况详细介绍了本系统所作的抗干扰性能试验方法相关问题的解决办法。

    On account of the situation of cruel electromagnetism environment in the substations, introduce the method of anti-interference testing and the solution of certain problems in detail.


  • 找到电磁干扰原因后,采取抗干扰措施,使得周期监测系统抗干扰能力了较大增强

    After finding out the reason, four measures are adopted to build up the anti-disturbance ability of the period monitoring system.


  • 良好电磁兼容来自设计而不是测试本文根据控制系统设计过程,提出了机电控制系统分层抗干扰设计方法。

    Good EMC performance comes from fine design not measurement. According to design process of mechatronics control system, an EMC design hierarchy method is introduced in this paper.


  • 良好电磁兼容来自设计而不是测试本文根据控制系统设计过程,提出了机电控制系统分层抗干扰设计方法。

    Good EMC performance comes from fine design not measurement. According to design process of mechatronics control system, an EMC design hierarchy method is introduced in this paper.


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