• 无疑糟糕的电视演员

    He has (got) to be the worst actor on TV!


  • 大众喜爱的电视演员

    He's a popular television entertainer.


  • 一个有名电视演员街上认出来

    A famous TV star was recognized by someone in the street.


  • 一个有名电视演员街上出来。

    A famous TV star was recognized by someone in the street.


  • 芬顿另外两名电视演员出席了那次晚宴,他们也证实了赫芬顿的说法。

    Huffington says two other guests at the dinner party, both television actors, have confirmed her contention.


  • 希腊成功舞蹈家戏剧演员电影电视演员受到观众以及文艺界好评

    She is the success of Greece dancers, drama actors, film and television actor, and the arts by the audience's praise.


  • 模特选美小姐、电视演员戏剧演员甚至普通人,纷纷带希望成为明星梦想来到孟买。

    Models and beauty contestants, television actors, theatre actors and even common people come to Mumbai with the hope and dream of becoming a star.


  • 一个电视喜剧表演不断寻求突破演员

    He is a performer who consistently pushes the envelope of TV comedy.


  • 例如节目中,演员王凯扮演乾隆皇帝,电视观众很喜欢表演

    For example, on the show, actor Wang Kai played Emperor Qianlong. TV viewers loved his performances.


  • 电视经常可以看到一个著名的演员音乐家手臂纹身

    On TV you can often see a famous actor or musician with a tattoo on his arm or foot.


  • 外国书籍电视中国作家演员一样好。

    Foreign books and soap operas are good, but Chinese writers and actors are just as good.


  • 弗兰基现实生活电视节目中都住纽约一个喜剧演员过婚,两个小女儿

    Frankie in both real life and in the TV show lives in New York City, is a comic, is divorced, and has two little daughters.


  • 见到英国喜剧演员朱利安·克莱里时,害羞谨慎电视表演却十分出色。

    When I met the British comedian Julian Clary, he was shy and cautious, yet his TV performances are perfect.


  • 在距离奥斯卡颁奖典礼不到一周的时间,一项研究显示电影业表现不如电视。此前,奥斯卡颁奖典礼演员提名全是白人而受到批评。

    With less than a week before an Oscars ceremony that has already been criticized for an all-white list of acting nominees, a study shows the film industry does worse than television.


  • 如果创作一部每周讲述令人难以置信的事情电视剧,你就需要一个扮演信徒演员,你知道的,就是一个相信一切

    If you're going to create a TV show that deals week after week with things that are unbelievable, you need an actor who can play a believer, you know, a person who tends to believe everything.


  • 电视,你可能会看到漂亮的模特、英俊的演员和健壮的体育明星。

    Turn on the TV and you'll probably see beautiful models, handsome actors and fit sports stars.


  • 这些节目本质上都是游戏竞技类,但是放大了人性的实验,也使得观众行政人员确信电视可以没有演员

    Both of these were essentially game shows, but they doubled as earthy anthropological experiments, and they convinced viewers and executives alike that television could provide action without actors.


  • 一个演员可以通过电视而完成能让百万观看的个人

    An actor can produce a show watched by millions without getting a television deal.


  • 这部电视剧中,(扮演苏格兰警察的)演员允许穿着真正警服能够承受外部压力的防弹背心

    The show had permission from Scotland Yard to dress its actors in real uniforms and stab-proof vests bearing the force's crest.


  • 这是电视喜剧演员斯蒂芬·科尔伯特名字网上投票赞成的名字来命名,美国航天局喜欢用具有历史意义称呼

    TV comedian Stephen Colbert campaigned and won an online vote to have the chamber named after him, but NASA much preferred the historic moniker.


  • 满是名流电视明星时代容易忘记过去的优秀演员和人才。

    In an age of instant celebrity and reality-TV stars, it's easy to forget the great actors and talents of the past.


  • 虽然自从4月16号起阿萨德先生就再也没有公开露面(除了5月15号电视播放接见演员),有传言说已经对局势失去了控制

    Mr Assad has not been seen in public since April 16th (apart from a meeting with actors shown on television on May 15th), so rumours have spread that he is not in control.


  • ——一些里面家庭主妇舞蹈演员等等电视真人

    Watch reality TV shows that involve real housewives, dancing C-list celebrities, or the Kardashians


  • 将去观看新作电影幽灵小镇》。此之前,我意识到了他办公室风云》另一部电视临时演员两部佳作中的起到的作用。

    Before heading in to see his new film Ghost Town this week, I was aware of his role with the Office, and his other TV show Extras, both of which had found success.


  • 电视中那个演员仍然穿着高跟鞋咔走过房间最终企图藏身于洗手间里——大概是那所房子里惟一一个没有窗户电话地方

    Still wearing her heels, the TV actress tac-tacs noisily through a series of rooms and ends up trying to hide in a bathroom-probably the only place in the house without a window or a working phone.


  • 位能约翰逊小姐斯万克小姐那儿图片演员为何浪费电视呢?

    Why is an actress who can steal a picture from Ms Swank and Ms Johansson being wasted on television?


  • 许多导演尤其是那些电视中成长起来的,对于如何演员合作知之甚少甚至一无所知。

    Many directors, especially those who've come up through TV, know little or nothing about working with actors.


  • 印度河巴基斯坦的美白产品经常获得宝莱演员的青睐,而泰国电视上的广告演员,无论男女看起来显然都化了妆,肤色异常白皙

    Products in India and Pakistan get endorsed by Bollywood actors. In Thailand most TV ads show men and women who are abnormally and quite blatantly touched-up to look lighter.


  • 印度河巴基斯坦的美白产品经常获得宝莱演员的青睐,而泰国电视上的广告演员,无论男女看起来显然都化了妆,肤色异常白皙

    Products in India and Pakistan get endorsed by Bollywood actors. In Thailand most TV ads show men and women who are abnormally and quite blatantly touched-up to look lighter.


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