雾气中的水滴极小,通常在1 -50微米(一百万分之一米)之间。
Water droplets in fog are very small, typically between 1 to 50 microns (one-millionth of a metre) across.
The wavelength of these electron beams is much shorter, allowing scientists to see structures as small as 1 nanometre (1 millionth of a millimetre).
The technology is producing cells that are often only two microns thick (a micron is one-millionth of a meter).
To put that into some sort of perspective, a micro-metre is a millionth of a metre; the width of a human hair is about 100 micro-metres.
Most ash particles are normally 50-100 microns (millionths of a metre) across.
He will have to: a pixel on a high-resolution iPhone screen, by comparison, is about 80 microns (millionths of a metre) across.
Natural starch particles are roughly 30 microns or millionths of a meter wide.
Micron: Alternative term for Micrometre. A unit to denote the caliper of paper and board.
The rounded particle measured only about one micrometer , or one millionth of a meter, across.
金属表层大约厚20微米(一米的一百万分之一),而当时的胶粒宽达10-15 微米——厚的足以使金属表层散裂,这样反而弊大于利。
Surface coatings tend to be about 20 microns (millionths of a metre) thick. The capsules were 10-15 microns across—large enough to disrupt the coatings, and thus do more harm than good.
They then tested the system with a variety of cells and tiny beads, including some that were large by the standards of optical tweezer work.
They then tested the system with a variety of cells and tiny beads, including some that were large by the standards of optical tweezer work.