Looking east from West Broadway, I see a faded advertisement for handkerchiefs on a wall rising above a single-story wooden house with a bulky warehouse and the spire of the Woolworth Building beyond.
The street closings and evacuations were prompted by a police investigation of a suspicious van that local media reported had been parked on Broadway for two days.
The World Trade Center, the EmpireState Building, Rockefeller Center, Wall Street, Broadway, Central Park—these famous places and many others are all located on the island of Manhattan.
我的旅行包括布鲁克林大桥,帝国大厦,百老汇名剧“猫” 。
My tour includes Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State, Breadway Show Cats .
我的旅行包括布鲁克林大桥,帝国大厦,百老汇名剧“猫” 。
My tour includes Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State, Breadway Show Cats .