This event of vibrio parahaemolyticus food poisoning was due to the food pollution in residents' home dinner.
The purpose of this study is using pulsed field gel electrophoresis(PFGE) and PCR typing to analyze Vibrio parahemolyticus isolated from outbreaks during 2008-2009 and to trace the infection source.
Objective In order to set up rapid identification for the pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus, develope a pandemic group-specific multiplex PCR assay for base unit.
Results The aim gene fragment can be amplified by a multiplex PCR assay, it largely reduce the time of identification.
The results were as followed. The effect of ultra high pressure treatment on the lethal rate, the ultra-structure, membrane permeability, ATPase activity of Vibio Parahaemolyticus were studied.
Conclusion: the pandemic strains and pathogenic strains in food chains were the main reason that caused foodborne breaks in China.
结果:所检测的小龙虾和呕吐物中副溶血性弧菌均为不致病性副溶血性弧菌。 小龙虾分离菌株对替卡西林和头孢噻吩耐药。
Results:The two strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates were non-pathogenic, and the strain isolated from small lobster was tolerant to ticarcillin and cephalothin.
结果:所检测的小龙虾和呕吐物中副溶血性弧菌均为不致病性副溶血性弧菌。 小龙虾分离菌株对替卡西林和头孢噻吩耐药。
Results:The two strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates were non-pathogenic, and the strain isolated from small lobster was tolerant to ticarcillin and cephalothin.