The output from 2004 to 2010 was predicted by means of a multivariate regression linear model, including the factors. The results show the model with a higher precision and the better practicability.
By using multivariate linear regression analysis, the mathematical model to classify and evaluate reservoir with well logging data was established.
With regression analysis, a mathematics model of both simple linear and multiple linear regressions were established.
A method, combination of grey-system theory with multivariate regression linear analysis, was used to predict the output of municipal solid waste (MSW).
We compared the differences of the risk factors between these two groups, and analyzed them by simple correlation and multiple stepwise regressions.
This paper analyzes the influencing factors of audit fees by multiple linearity regression in order to provide some meaningful advices to supervising department.
Multivariant linear stepwise regression analysis show that the pulse pressure, the systolic pressure , overdose compliance are important influencing factors of IMT.
Multiple linear regression and correlative analysis showed that the increase in optic axis was main factor for the formation of simple myopia of teenager.
A multi regress equation of the friction coefficients was achieved by SAS, in which multi linearity regress mechanic to analyze data is used.
Method:The Multiple Linear Regression was used to study the influence of different factors.
Based on the analysing of the data, selected relevant factors, made a series of tests and amendments with models, then created forest volume estimation optimal multivariate linear regression model.
Finally, a linear model is established to forecast diurnal NEE through variance analysis and multiple linear regression methods.
依据鄱阳湖地区1949 ~ 2002年耕地面积和社会经济统计数据,运用主成分分析和多元线性回归模型等统计方法分析该地区耕地面积变化的驱动因素。
Based on statistical data of cultivated land and social and economic factors from 1949 to 2002 in Poyang Lake region, this paper discusses the driving forces by multi-variable statistical method.
Then, stepwise regression analysis is used to select a best group of factors for the prediction of expressway incident duration, and the multiple linear regression model is established.
Objective: To compare cluster regression analysis with multiple linear regression.
The mathematical relation was studied between micro amount of fragrant components and quality of Zhenmei tea by using R-type cluster and multiple regression.
Analyzed the Shanghai for 1995 to 2004 year trash to have the quantity data every year, from this proposed might apply to the town refuse forecast many Yuan linear return forecast model.
Nonlinear multiple regression model on the structure activity relationship of ternary dissymmetric organic phosphate insecticide is obtained by quadratic polynomial stepwise regression method.
Method Questionnaire and human capital method were used in calculation of economic burden of disease and the multi linear regression model was explored to analyze the factors.
The results of multiple step regression analysis were the same with the results of path analysis.
The optimum process of formaldehyde-free DP finishing on pure cotton fabrics with IA/MA is determined by analysis of single factor and multi-factor linear regression.
并利用我们编制的BASIC程序,在电子计算机上对包芯纱进行了计算与回归分析研究, 打印出了各工艺参数与各质量指标之间的多元线性回归方程。
Our BASIC program is used in the calculation and regression analysis for clw yarns, the plural linear regression equations between technical parameters and quality targets are given.
A multiple regression equation was formulated using wool producing capacity as the dependent variable and amino acid contents as independent variables.
The main analysis methods are: analysis of variance, ranks test, optimal scaling regression and multiple regression.
The main analysis methods are: analysis of variance, ranks test, optimal scaling regression and multiple regression.