Then the vortex-induced vibration response of cables is calculated.
Vortex induced vibration of submarine pipeline span is the major factor of resonance invalidation of pipeline.
The response characteristics of cylinders at low mass-damping are analyzed by the propose model.
Vortex induced vibration of submarine pipeline span is the major factor of resonance invalidation of pipeline.
The test showed that: in each test state, the harmful vortex-induced vibration has not been found in the main beams and the bridge towers.
From the reliability analysis of span, vortex-induced vibration resulting from ocean wave and current is one of primary destroy factors.
The test results showed that: the recommended Scheme of girder, the first comparative scheme of girder and the second comparative scheme of girder all occur vortex-induced vibration.
This research subject is done for engineering application, mainly about boundary condition analysis of mode calculation and analysis of vortex-excited response for barrel-shaped mast.
On the basis of static aerodynamic force tests and dynamic response tests, the galloping and (vortex-induced) oscillation performances of H-shaped booms were investigated.
This paper studies the calculation of vortex-induced responses of Bridges by finite element models.
Wind tunnel test of sectional model is an important means for determining lock-in region of wind speed and maximal amplitude of vortex-excited resonance.
The results show that in line vibration can not bring serious danger to submarine pipeline system in most cases, while cross flow vibration must be eliminated.
Periodical variations of tether's tension caused by heaving oscillation of TLP play the role of a parametric exciter to vortex-induced vibration, and make it more complicated.
Result shows that the dip Angle, the towed velocity and reduced velocity are main influence factors to the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder.
The formation of fluid dynamic force and the occurrence of self-excited vibration and oil film vortex of rotor system are analyzed.
The paper concerns the stability of Tension Leg Platform (TLP) tethers nonlinear oscillation induced by vortex shedding.
It shows that the modal shape and mode frequency are highly coupled with the VIV response of a Marine riser with low mass ratio.
The vortex_induced nonlinear vibration of casing pipes in the deep water was studied considering the loads of current and combined wave_current.
The main form of the rod wind vibration is crosswind vibration, called the vortex-induced vibration according to the reason.
The prediction of vortex-induced vibration is very important for the design of slender marine structures in deep water.
Thus it is necessary to study vortex-induced vibration of bridge.
The proposed approach is shown to be more flexible than the traditional methods adopting continuous models or stochastic approaches.
This paper establishes nonlinear differential equations, gives the fatigue equations and compares the critical spanning of pipeline of calculated results from the shallows and deep water.
This study aims at investigating the lock-in phenomenon, fluctuating lift and the phase shift between fluctuating lift and displacement of the oscillating cylinder.
The control of vortex vibration of submarine pipeline is very important in the design of submarine pipeline.
Vortex-induced vibration of the bridge is an important aeroelastic phenomena, it is easy for long-span bridges to occur Vortex-induced vibration.
And analyzed the effect of the railing, the wind speed and wind direction on the vortex-induced vibration, and the reason for no obvious vortex-induced vibration.
And analyzed the effect of the railing, the wind speed and wind direction on the vortex-induced vibration, and the reason for no obvious vortex-induced vibration.