Q11. What are the new weights of each currency in the SDR basket?
"SDR" means a Special Drawing Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund.
The unit of account referred to in article 6 of this Convention is the Special Drawing Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund.
IMF has invented an instrument to protect reserve value by linking SDA to a package of currencies.
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today completed the regular five-yearly review of the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Right (SDR).
有趣的是,业绩的特别提款权- 2000改进当我喂养它从运输的16个,超过了结果我以前获得的华航三角洲和西塔数据传输的基本二。
Interestingly, the performance of the SDR-2000 improved when I fed it from the transport of the 16, surpassing the results I had earlier obtained with the CAL Delta and Theta Data Basic II transports.
Created by the IMF in 1969, and now based on the weighted average of the dollar, euro, yen and pound, the SDR was designed as a reserve currency but never took off.
Those cashing in their SDR allotments for dollars or euros have to pay a low interest rate until they repurchase those allotments, so the SDR is effectively a low-interest line of credit.
Prominent calls have been made by the Governor of the People's Bank of China, Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, and others for a new reserve currency system based on the IMF's Special Drawing Rights.
Instead he talked of “internationalising new currencies” by, for instance, considering including the yuan in the IMF's Special Drawing Right (SDR), a reserve asset made up of a basket of currencies.
There is also a commitment for $250bn in new special drawing rights allocations by the IMF.
For SDRs to play this role, however, they would have to be much more plentiful.
Similarly, the SDR can merely provide a convenient way of holding a basket of currencies, and will not be an alternative reserve currency.
Nobody expects the yuan to be in the SDR basket by the end of 2011; but getting the idea discussed is progress of a sort.
Additional allocations of Special Drawing Rights would enable countries to build reserves without running trade surpluses.
The SDR, however, is more like an exchange-traded fund (ETF) than a currency, and is not a viable alternative to the dollar.
Another alternative is a greater reliance on SDRs, the IMF's quasi-currency, which operates as a claim on a basket of currencies: the dollar, euro, sterling and yen.
We welcome the current discussion about the role of the SDR in the existing international monetary system including the composition of SDR's basket of currencies.
This is because the SDR is simply a potential claim on the national currencies of IMF members.
Because the SDR's value depends on several currencies, it shares many of the benefits of a multiple-currency system.
The SDRs have been used as a unit of account among IMF members and other international organizations since introduction in 1969.
The IMF's members agree on periodic allocations of SDRs, which countries can convert into other currencies if need be.
The IMF's members agree on periodic allocations of SDRs, which countries can convert into other currencies if need be.