Exchange Offers: Tender offer where the consideration is securities rather than cash.
Many saw China's decision in March to reject a takeover bid by Coca-Cola for a Chinese juice company as a bad omen.
Mr Zuckerberg has rejected big offers from new - and old-media giants such as Yahoo! And Viacom.
1月21日,北方食品公司接受Boparan Holdings高达3.41亿英镑(约合5.437亿)的现金收购要约,约合每股73便士。
Northern Foods accepted a 341 million-pound ($543.7 million), 73 pence a share cash offer from Boparan on Jan. 21.
In the days leading up to the offer from JPMorgan, Bear Stearns released statements suggesting the company's finances were sound.
Depending on how many shares a potential acquirer buys in the market; a formal offer to other shareholders may be required under stock exchange regulations.
British takeover rules give Kraft 28 days to send its formal offer to Cadbury 's shareholders.
Microsoft "will need to enhance its offer if it wants to complete a deal," Miller wrote in a letter Sunday, one day before Yahoo formally rejected Microsoft's plan for the company.
米勒在周日的一封信中写道,“如果还想完成这笔交易的话,微软需要提高它的收购价格”。 而这刚好是雅虎正式拒绝微软收购要约的前一天。
Microsoft "will need to enhance its offer if it wants to complete a deal, " Miller wrote in a letter Sunday, one day before Yahoo formally rejected Microsoft's plan for the company.
LVMH, which said it doesn't intend to launch a tender offer, take control of the company or seek board representation, climbed 4.2 percent to 118.05 euros.
Sinochem and its Sinofert Holdings Ltd. unit are "closely watching" BHP's bid, Sinofert's Chief Executive Officer Feng Zhibin said last week.
Last week telefonica's finance director attacked Portugal Telecom for rejecting its bid without consulting shareholders, which he said raised questions about the firm's corporate governance.
吉百利食品有限公司(Cadbury)拒绝卡夫食品(Kraft Foods) 167.3亿美元的收购要约可能在集中度很低但整合时机早就成熟的糖果业掀起一场并购大战。
Cadbury's rejection of Kraft's $16.73 billion offer could spark a bidding war in the fragmented confectionery industry that has long been ripe for consolidation.
Article 78. A listed company may be purchased by offer or by agreement.
Jerry Yang曾拒绝了微软公司4500亿美元的收购要约。
’s co-founder, who famously rejected a takeover bid from Microsoft that valued the company at $45 billion.
Article 85. All the conditions stated in a purchasing order are applicable to all the Stockholders of the company being purchased.
The duration of an offer shall not be less than 30 days and shall not be more than 60 days.
So let's assume they can get around $8 billion for the Alibaba position, a discount based on Alibaba's previous rejection of a $9.5 billion buyback offer.
The total price tag for the takeover may rise to 12.3 billion reais, taking into consideration an offer for Brasil Telecom's minority shareholders, Oi Chief Executive Luiz Eduardo Falco said.
In January, the European Commission cleared Kraft's bid for Cadbury on the condition that the U.S.-based company would divest Cadbury's Polish and Romanian chocolate confectionery businesses.
The move is believed the largest deal among Chinese companies' overseas acquisition deals. see.
Since rejecting Google’s overtures, the company has been on the fast track for a public offering.
Since rejecting Google’s overtures, the company has been on the fast track for a public offering.