The results of solute distribution experiment indicated that different parts differed in physiological characteristics during responding to salt and alkali stresses.
结果表明:盐碱胁迫推迟了一次分蘖的时间,降低了水稻分蘖数和有效分蘖数约50 %。
The results showed that salinity - alkalinity stress postponed the beginning time of the first tiller, reduced by 50 % of tiller number and effective tiller number.
This paper reviewed the recent advances in research of plant osmotic stress. The problems of arid stress, salt stress and chilling injuries were discussed.
With pot-culture experiments, we evaluated the effect of saline-sodic stress on dry matter accumulation of various organs at different growth stages of rice.
Previously we have screened some highly expressed genes on saline-alkaline stress by microarray technology, including the key enzymes of metabolism GAPDH and OPDR.
It had been thought that salt and alkali, drought, and chillness were the three most serious abiotic stress factors that could restrict the growth, development and yield of crops for a long time.
Differences in this adaption mechanism not only existed between salt and alkali stresses but also among different parts.
The different results in C. virgata indicated that alkali stress with greater destructive effects, different from salt stress, is an important abiotic stress, and worthy of further study.
The different results in C. virgata indicated that alkali stress with greater destructive effects, different from salt stress, is an important abiotic stress, and worthy of further study.