• 对于一些人来说,表单带来一些困惑,对于用户来说,一些对象输入内容的目的明确所以一些建议例子可以用户带来很多帮助

    To some, forms may be confusing. The purpose of certain objects and inputs may be unclear to users, so suggestions and examples certainly should be included to help users fill them out.


  • 他们身份这样目的不明确

    The real identity and purpose of these faceless people remains a mystery. (See photo).


  • Wong表示医生明确病人真实目的情况下推荐他们进行这项检测道德的。

    Wong said she would say it was unethical for doctors to refer patients for the test without knowing the real intentions behind it.


  • 我国司法大众化目的明确以至于目的实现较大程度上受到了制约

    In our country, the purpose of judicial popularization is not clear so that to great extend it constrains the realization of the purpose.


  • 还有的是,现在带着自负目的非常明确地去可能必需工作

    Unfortunately, you aren't very motivated now to do the work on your self-esteem that may be required.


  • 目的就是为了第一代码写下,将所有明确东西明确细化下来

    The goal is to work out all the unknowns and nail down all the details before the first line of code is written.


  • 因此该项目的要求是明确的,对此我们提出概念这座住宅一些空间许多小的房间

    Therefore, the program was fairly unspecified, and rather than making a house with many small rooms, we opted for a concept which gives a few large spaces in this small house.


  • 他们身份这样目的不明确

    The real identity and purpose of these faceless people remains a mystery.


  • 使智囊团发挥功效的第一步骤,就是设立明确目标愿意搭乘目的明确的火车呢?

    The first step in putting together a mastermind alliance is to adopt a definite purpose for it to attain. Who would board train without knowing where it went?


  • 目前,我国产品文化开发层次营销目的明确,营销形象欠鲜明,导致旅游产品核心竞争力强,城市旅游后劲足。

    At present, low culture of tourism product, unclear target and image of marketing leads to not-strong key competence of tourism products and lagged development of urban tourism.


  • 目前家庭教育存在突出问题奖惩目的明确过于随意及时、适当

    The outstanding issue in family education is the purpose of punishment is not clear, too casual, not timely, not appropriate and so on.


  • 沃克教授以前这个阶段目的明确但是新的研究结果提供了证据,说明为什么人类无快速眼动的第二阶段至少半个小时睡眠时间。

    Previously, the purpose of this stage was unclear, but the new results offer evidence as to why humans spend at least half their sleeping hours in stage 2, non-REM, Prof Walker said.


  • 看看现在所进行的很多促销行为很多存在目的明确甚至对于一次促销行为到底提升销售还是提高试用等等模糊

    Now look at the many promotional acts, there is a lot of purpose is not clear, even for a selling in the end is to raise sales, or increase the rate of the trial, and so on, are unclear.


  • 会议枯燥目的不明确只是整个公司运作环节组织力,交流匮乏表现之一

    Boring, pointless meetings are just one of the symptoms of an entire ecosystem of poor organization and communication.


  • 问题这个目的如何达到、多少无辜以色列巴勒斯坦平民要为此丧命,还明确

    The problem is that it's not at all clear how that can be achieved or how many innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives might be lost in the attempt.


  • 问题这个目的如何达到、多少无辜以色列巴勒斯坦平民要为此丧命,还明确

    The problem is that it's not at all clear how that can be achieved or how many innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives might be lost in the attempt.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定