But these two rare cases with damage to the very structure in question allowed De Martino to directly test his hypothesis.
From the Angle of pragmatism, the application of indirect verification proves to be more convenient and economical.
Talking about the nation's messy origins is a good way of reassuring people that immigrants will eventually integrate, without having to prove the case directly.
Lacking conceptual basis and operational mechanism, there is no possibility to verify a hypothesis directly in the process of applying linguistic theories to experiential language materials.
As of mid-2005, fewer than 50 deaths had been directly attributed to radiation from the disaster, almost all being highly exposed rescue workers.
Whether this study translates directly to humans remains to be seen.
Christopher von Rueden of the University of California at Santa Barbara says that the studies are important because they confirm that personality variation has direct fitness consequences.
FACT: reports information that can be directly observed or can be verified or checked for accuracy.
While no one would ever directly use the idiom in Listing 1, this code is very similar to the case where the lock associated with a synchronized block can be proven to be a thread-local variable.
This idea is supported by research with mice, which has shown that providing a rich, stimulating environment directly affects gene expression in the brain.
Good writers do double-takes on received wisdom.Enjoying no access to the subjective experience, how can we determine that any death is “peaceful”?
It's not a standard for XML grammars, though, so there's no way to use it directly to validate instance documents.
All these prove that the rejection has the direct relationship with the benefits, the power and status, the safety in working situation, the living method, the knowledge.
Experimental results proved that both of them could support metallic catalyst by precipitation, and directly decompose acetylene to prepare multi walled CNTs.
But even if the markets are proved right and the central bankers do bring down the rate by another notch, the immediate economic impact will be modest.
Conclusion the immune hyperfunction at exocrine glands of SS is the direct cause of the pathogenesis of SS. SS is further proved to be an autoimmune disease.
CONCLUSION: We first amplified mtDNA in circulating plasma from breast cancer patients by direct PCR, checked mutation by DHPLC and confirmed results by sequencing.
These results can be directly used for practical design of composition control system. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by both simulations and practical applications.
Entertainment must be either directly related to your business or associated with it, and must be substantiated .
The effectiveness of direct imaging and electrode arrangement presented in this article are confirmed by the flume experiments.
He believed the case has been proven even though the evidence was indirect.
It is found that the normal conduction and abnormal conduction which induce cardiac arrhythmia are directly relatived with gap junction.
Liquid direct processing, and RTM in particular, has been proven extremely successful in the automotive industry.
The research certifies that the physiological activities have direct influences on bearing of human beings.
The research certifies that the physiological activities have direct influences on bearing of human beings.