• 实质标准相关市场相关产品市场集中度和其他相关因素三个要件构成。

    Its standard substantive consist of three essential elements: related market, degree of centralization of the related product market, other factors.


  • 市场优势地位构成分为三个方面相关市场界定包括相关产品市场相关地理市场相关时间市场

    The constitute of market predominance is divided into three parts:the definition of relevant market including product market, geographic market, and time market;


  • 自从1977年五月上映以来,星球大战迅速积累了大批狂热粉丝,催生了一个巨大的相关产品市场

    Star Wars rapidly developed a cult following after first appearing on cinema screens in May 1977, and spawned a huge merchandising industry.


  • 这个简单例子显示了当市场价格无法准确反映产品相关社会成本收益时,看不见就失效了。

    That simple example captures the classic breakdown in the invisible hand when a product's market price doesn't reflect all its relevant social costs and benefits.


  • 双方这个停止迪士尼相关产品麦当劳欢乐套餐市场决定基于商业原因

    Both sides say the decision to stop marketing Disney-related products in McDonald's Happy Meals was for business reasons.


  • 20052006年期间投资者购买债券以及商业地产住宅地产市场相关结构金融产品

    During 2005 and 2006, investors were chasing yield by buying bonds and structured products linked to the commercial - and residential-property markets.


  • JH很难有一个概括性的结论,因为银行规模,活动相关规定,市场以及产品各不相同

    JH: it's difficult to generalize, because Banks vary so greatly in their size, activities, regulatory concerns, markets, and products.


  • 产品行为条款条件相关规则常常会随市场需要变化应该保存外部,从而提高灵活性

    Rules governing product behavior, terms, or conditions often change based on market needs and should be externalized for flexibility.


  • 90年代末很多投资者购买那些市场表现相关所谓的“风险储蓄产品

    In the late 1990s many investors bought supposedly 'low risk' savings products linked to the performance of the stock market.


  • 公司而是应该利用这些工具消费者牵扯进来邀请他们参与市场营销相关活动产品开发消费者服务反馈

    Instead, companies should use these tools to get the consumers involved, inviting them to participate in marketing-related activities from product development to feedback to customer service.


  • 这种信息可以帮助市场营销人员产品经理判断哪些产品哪些销售区域畅销产品邮政编码相关联。

    This can help marketing and product managers determine which products are popular in which sales regions and correlate them with the zip code in question.


  • 近两年来,主要消费类电子产品娱乐产业市场推动下三维电视相关产品获得了长足发展,技术仍然很大局限性

    Three-dimensional television and the like got a major marketing push nearly two years ago from the consumer electronics and entertainment industries, yet the technology still has major limitations.


  • 粮食危机成因复杂,既源于供需关系,扭曲国际产品市场金融投机等因素密切相关

    The causes of a food crisis are complicated, including unbalanced supply and demand, as well as distorted international agricultural market and financial speculation.


  • 另外一名律师李丽,缺少相关法律监管在线传播国外电视节目,所以导致此类产品流入市场

    Another lawyer, li li, said there were still no laws in regulating the online broadcasting of foreign television programs, which allowed such products to surface.


  • 恐慌情绪正在欧洲市场中迅速蔓延,波及所有意大利相关产品

    There's a panic of sorts sweeping through European trading desks concerning all things Italian.


  • 巴克莱资本说法,外汇相关产品交易量2005年以来,零售市场上升了29利率相关的物品已经上升了43倍。

    According to Barclays Capital, the trading volume of foreign-exchange-relatedproducts has jumped 29-fold since 2005 in retail markets alone, and that ofinterest-rate-related products 43 times.


  • 必须具备至少3欧洲市场提供相关产品信息经验

    Must have a minimum of 3 years' experience sourcing relative products for European markets.


  • Lapatinib一种分子药物市场蓬勃发展产品——被设计用来靶向治疗疾病相关特定蛋白质分子

    Lapatinib is a product of the growing field of molecular medicine-the design of drugs to attack specific protein molecules associated with particular diseases.


  • 公司其子公司所属生意运营产品大范围相关所有重要近期管理市场销售类似方面报告

    All significant recent management, marketing, sales or similar reports relating to broad aspects of the business, operations or products of the Company or any subsidiary of the Company.


  • 既然这样SOA专家应该知道IBM SOAFoundation中的基本产品以及整个SOA软件市场中的相关产品

    Having said all this, the SOA expert should know the basic set of products in the IBM SOA Foundation, as well as the relevant products in the overall SOA software marketplace.


  • 细分市场搜索(确定性的搜索,易IT注):可能第一个能够排名靠前的地方,只要忽略用户发现产品过程中的某些间接相关关键字虽然有时这种相关性不是那么明显)。

    Niche Research: This is often the first opportunity you'll have to rank, but only if you don't ignore the indirectly relevant (though sometimes less obvious) keywords in the discovery process.


  • 如果缺乏经验的用户也是领域相关产品目标市场一部分,必须考虑如何支持领域经验缺乏的行为

    If naive users are part of the target market for a domain-specific product, care must be taken to support domain-naive behaviors. Environmental considerations.


  • 支持产品开发相关市场拓展。

    Support marketing activities in terms of new product development.


  • 现有解决方案而不是竞争对手”这种说法,是因为不是所有相关产品都会手机市场上展开竞争

    I say "existing solutions" rather than "competition" because not all related products will be competing in your mobile marketplace.


  • 通常来说,与运输有关成本可以分成大类—与产品相关因素市场相关的因素。

    In general, factors influencing transportation costs can be grouped into two major categories-product related factors and market-related factors.


  • 个案及其结果详细描述艾克教授观点即使是市场领先产品,也很快变得没有相关

    The case - and the outcome - are described in more detail in the book. Prof Aaker's point is that even market-leading products can become irrelevant very quickly.


  • 个案及其结果详细描述艾克教授观点即使是市场领先产品,也很快变得没有相关

    The case - and the outcome - are described in more detail in the book. Prof Aaker's point is that even market-leading products can become irrelevant very quickly.


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