Methods Emergent hepatic arterial catheterization was performed in 15 cases of spontaneous rupture of HCC, using sponge gelatin, iodized oil, silk thread and coil to embolize blooding arterial branch.
本文用逐步回归方法探求涤纶仿真丝织物的柔软、 悬垂性和织物结构参数之间的关系。得出改善悬垂性除与原料有关外,还需增强丝线的捻度,降低织物的密度和单丝纤度。
In this paper, step-by-step regression analysis is used to seek the relations of fabric construction parameters to the flexibility and fabric fall of silk-like polyester fabric.
本文用逐步回归方法探求涤纶仿真丝织物的柔软、 悬垂性和织物结构参数之间的关系。得出改善悬垂性除与原料有关外,还需增强丝线的捻度,降低织物的密度和单丝纤度。
In this paper, step-by-step regression analysis is used to seek the relations of fabric construction parameters to the flexibility and fabric fall of silk-like polyester fabric.