The teacher's abrupt visit made Tom feel embarrassed for he didn't told his real grades to his parents, instead, he told a lie.
At the game's end, the points are converted into real money, to ensure that proper incentives are in place.
To get the real benefit of improvement, however, takes more than simply improving your own score.
The Poker Face star - then known by her real name of Stefani Germanotta - appeared as a contestant on MTV's Boiling Points back in 2005.
Real Signal will ask you to set the cut off Numbers for each bar in ASU.
Some spam makes it through by tricking spam filters into thinking it is genuine or has already been scanned and given a low mark.
IELTS authorities discourage such a practice and would determine that the scores can't reflect the real English level if test takers do so.
In a particular electrolyte, the real transport number of aluminium ions is a constant.
Being authentic and present in your own skin and not relying on any name, person or score - that's grit.
最后对单分量及两分量lfm干扰作用下的伪码调相引信进行了分数阶域滤波仿真实验,结果表明该方法能有效地抑制单分量及多分量L FM干扰。
At last it is confirmed by simulation that the mono and multi-component LFM interference imposed on PRCPM fuze can be effectively suppressed via the above method.
In terms of test in our study, marks are fair and real. That is the reason why we say, "Everyone is equal before marks."
In terms of test in our study, marks are fair and real. That is the reason why we say, "Everyone is equal before marks."