Focus on developing and building a genuine partnership and providing the best solution to meet customer's needs.
We give many thanks to the talented sub-contractors who were really partners and helped to finish such a complex building within a reasonable budget.
As above, there are genuine opportunities for business in these environments: opportunities in which the poor are seen as clients and partners, rather than beneficiaries or aid recipients.
When your understand your perfect client's (co-worker's) personality then and only then can you truly connect with people that make work feel easy and fun.
Truly global companies must foster good relations, not only with their customers and the communities in which they operate, but also with nations and the environment.
IBM团队定义的数据模型和语义不久后就要经受真正的考验,因为参加e - Energy项目的合作伙伴将开始在自己的项目中使用此模型。
The true test of the data model and semantics defined by the IBM team will come soon, as the partners involved in the E-Energy project begin to use the model for their own projects.
Foxconn said in a statement that it had lost "an industry visionary, a true partner to our company, and a great friend."
We are working on this technology now, and also seek cooperation to take this technology to the wind market.
Do they feel like they have a true partner in product that is genuinely committed to their business success?
We will continue to supply specialized products and excellent service, customer value maximization and truly become a trusted partner.
I seek a true companion and lover, a partner perhaps even in some business in China.
The true value is in the integration of these core strengths combined with a robust Partner ecosystem.
I seek a true companion and lover, a partner perhaps (but not necessarily) even in some business in China.
Do worry about a value proposition for each customer segment, differentiated key assets and key partners, and revenue and cost components that characterize the economic drivers of the business.
There is a big market for crowdfunding support services beginning to emerge, which gives crowdfunding sites extra ways to partner and make money.
It is times like these that you learn the true value of honest customers and trustworthy partners.
If you are seeking a truly reliable event partner, look no further than SUNUP.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partners receive a rich set of benefits including access to advanced software technologies, training, and deep support that gives a true competitive advantage.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partners receive a rich set of benefits including access to advanced software technologies, training, and deep support that gives a true competitive advantage.