• 意识到自己知道感觉,能认知自己心态基于所知的而作出行为决定。

    It's being aware of what one knows or feels, having an awareness of one's state of mind, and making decisions about behavior based on what one knows.


  • 认知意识到知道感觉东西以及一个人心态的认知。

    Metacognition refers to being aware of what one knows or feels and having an awareness of one's state of mind.


  • 奶奶对此功不可没,虽然金牙姑姑知道的神灰也“效果”,接着她就意识到疏忽了一重要事情,克努皮亚的房子被封住了神就进不去了。

    Then she realized with horror that she had ignored a very important thing.


  • 虽然离开母亲已经有二十一点并没有改变总是母亲把话说出来之前知道心里想的什么,他不知道母亲是否意识这一点。

    Twenty years of living away from her had not changed that in him: he always knew what was on her mind before she said it, and he wondered if she was ever aware of that.


  • 然后最终意识到——或者说知道某种程度上说是前线同事帮助下时候他们知道这件事——在我自己家庭里就发生了这样的事。

    And then, finally, I realized - or, you know, sort of with some help from colleagues at "Frontline," who by this time knew the story - that I had it in my own family.


  • 我们意识到世卫组织及其合作伙伴相应挑战知道我们工作远远超出这些目标的实现。

    We are aware of the corresponding challenges for WHO and its partners and also know that our work extends far beyond the attainment of these goals.


  • 好的因此他们了个例子这个例子检验了以上假定我们意识到假定知道意义时候,我们面临什么危险。

    All right. So they give us an example in which this assumption is tested and makes us realize what's at stake in supposing that we know the meaning of something.


  • 通过谈话阿里巴巴意识凯新老婆由于他自己老婆的愚蠢已经知道太多他们必须隐藏原因但是发生的事情已经无法挽回了

    By this discourse, Ali Baba perceived that Cassim and his wife, through his own wife's folly, knew what they had so much reason to conceal; but what was done, could not be undone.


  • 走开的时候,忽然意识到自己甚至还知道名字,可是我已被这样交流触动

    As I walked away, I realized I did not even know his name. I was touched by the exchange.


  • 他们知道一切都很完美——在他们没有意识到情况下,对于他们来说这正是他们要的。

    All they know is that it's just perfect - it's just what they always wanted without being aware of it.


  • 我们开始知道是否有人意识福克斯新闻频道摄影机的。

    We begin to wonder if anyone realizes that that Fox News camera is fake.


  • 现在我们知道清醒可以做的,清醒梦中的能够意识甚至改变自己梦境

    We now know that lucid dreaming is possible. During lucid dreaming people can be aware of and alter their dreams.


  • 如果意识到频率急剧增加改变需要让医生知道

    Let your doctor know if you notice a dramatic decrease or change in frequency.


  • 童年房间床铺上,四面都是他的奖杯费城人队三角锦旗一次意识有人知道得更多

    Perched on his bed in his childhood room, surrounded by his track trophies and Phillies pennants, I realized that, once again, someone else knew more than I did.


  • 镇静,虽然不知道底怎么回事,意识到必须慢慢地这个陌生男人面前坐在椅子上,面对着木制的椅背。

    Calmly, understanding nothing but conscious of the need to obey, she slowly sat down in front of this strange man, straddling the chair and facing its wooden back.


  • 这样项目生存周期后期时间越来越紧迫意识到已经可能满足所有需求时至少知道哪些重要的。

    Then later in the project lifecycle, when time is getting short and you realize you cannot meet every requirement, at least you will know which ones are most important.


  • 许多年轻人知道街头毒品身体健康产生影响并不是很多意识到它们精神健康产生影响。

    Many young people know about the effects street drugs can have on their physical health. But not as many are aware of the effects it could have on their mental health.


  • 就是说黑客知道接入了这个网络优秀网络管理员应该意识到ARP缓存中的技术

    That said, hackers have been known to gain local access to networks. Good network administrators should be aware of ARP Cache Poisoning techniques.


  • 这大怒的乡下人回骂着,退却了当时由于愤怒羞耻烧得通红:因为意识侮辱了,可窘得不知道怎么怨恨才是。

    'retorted the angry boor, retreating, while his face burnt with mingled rage and mortification; for he was conscious of being insulted, and embarrassed how to resent it.


  • 人类整体意识这个挑战知道我们需要更多真实的、忠诚的强大的处理这个存在的威胁。

    The larger body of humanity is aware of this challenge, and it recognizes that we need more people who are Truthful, Loving, and Powerful to deal with this existential threat.


  • 不是倾听或者询问消费者需要什么苹果宁愿解决客户知道关于他们没有意识到的需要产品问题

    And rather than listening to, or asking their customers what they wanted; Apple would solve problems customers didn't know they had with products they didn't even realize they wanted.


  • 如果我们过去没有意识到,我们现在知道,我们使我们的球地过热惊人程度潜在的后果是灾难性的。

    If we didn't realize it already, we now know that we are overheating our planet to alarming levels with potentially catastrophic consequences.


  • 疯狂的熊之后,意识到知道其他熊蜂知道的事情”,多恩·

    "I knew that when I looked at this crazy bee it knew something the others didn't," Dr. Dornhaus said.


  • 鼻腔充血的购买者可以直接购买()知道已存在产品而没有意识到还有新的选择

    A shopper who has sinus congestion may go straight to the product he or she knows that exists, without realizing there is a newer option.


  • 意识孩子恐惧恰恰是那些他们最为熟知事物时,你知道你是生活战区

    You know that you live in a war zone when you realize that the greatest fears of the children are of what they know only too well.


  • 他们意识自己问题领域复杂性知道利用学科框架解决上述问题的需求。

    They are aware of the complexity of their problem domain, and the need for a multi-disciplinary framework to solve said problem.


  • 是,问及为什么子女知道更多的信息时,31%的人表示他们从未意识自己这么了。

    What's worse, when they were asked why they haven't made the kids more aware, 31% of parents said they never thought to do it.


  • 知道自己惩罚但是没有意识到海蒂怒气这样一个令人生畏伙伴

    I'd expected to be punished, but I didn't realize that Hattie's anger would be such a formidable companion.


  • 知道自己惩罚但是没有意识到海蒂怒气这样一个令人生畏伙伴

    I'd expected to be punished, but I didn't realize that Hattie's anger would be such a formidable companion.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定