• 手术本身一个短暂无痛过程

    The operation itself is a brief, painless procedure.


  • 一次短暂停车以上

    This is a brief stop to take on passengers and water.


  • 经过短暂追捕小偷警察擒获。

    The thieves were caught by police after a short chase.


  • 动乱之后令人不安短暂平静

    There was a short period of uneasy calm after the riot.


  • 短暂追求之后接受了求婚

    After a short courtship, she accepted his proposal.


  • 办公室短暂出人意料露了一面。

    He made a brief, unexpected appearance at the office.


  • 电视上短暂露面

    She once made a brief appearance on television.


  • 喜悦感觉短暂的。

    Her sense of triumph was short-lived.


  • 短暂反弹之后股票回到了$2.15。

    After a brief rally the shares returned to $2.15.


  • 一阵短暂沉默

    Again there was a short silence.


  • 莫扎特一生短暂

    Mozart's life was brief.


  • 幸运的是,短暂拖延给了喘息时间

    Fortunately the short delay gave him time to gather himself.


  • 发出短暂的咯咯声。

    He let out a brief cackle.


  • 除了短暂和平那场战争持续了

    Apart from a brief interlude of peace, the war lasted nine years.


  • 法官宣布短暂休庭

    The judge called a short recess.


  • 它们科罗拉多历史上短暂时期宝贵记录

    They are a priceless record of a brief period in Colorado history.


  • 声称30年前有过短暂风流韵事

    She claims she had a brief fling with him 30 years ago.


  • 那种和平看起来常常像是投入新一轮战争短暂停火期

    That peace often looked like a brief truce before the next plunge into war.


  • 这次短暂国事访问中的一举一动极其重要象征意义。

    The symbolism of every gesture will be of vital importance during the short state visit.


  • 否认打过谎报电话经过一番短暂审讯之后他判有罪。

    He denied making the hoax call but was convicted after a short trial.


  • 短暂涉猎戏剧之后便全部精力投入到主要兴趣诗歌中去了。

    After a brief excursion into drama, he concentrated on his main interest, which was poetry.


  • 波多黎各经历了短暂的战斗,战后西班牙该岛割让给了美国

    Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America.


  • 幸运的话,这种情况将短暂的。

    With luck, this will be short-lived.


  • 那个棒球投手短暂恋情

    The baseball pitcher had a brief affair with her.


  • 最好非常短暂经常学习

    It's better to study fairly briefly but often.


  • 人生想象短暂

    It's shorter than you think.


  • 短暂冬日即将结束

    The short winter day was nearly ended.


  • 他们的记忆短暂的。

    Their memories are short.


  • 他们的快乐短暂的。

    Their joy was short.


  • 一个短暂旅行

    It's a brief account of a trip.


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