• 琼斯先生城里了一短暂访问

    Mr Jones went to the town on a short visit .


  • 他们短暂访问恰恰凸显分歧严重程度。

    Their brief visit has served to underline the deep differences between the two countries.


  • 丈夫妹夫约瑟夫美国房地产经纪人来到中国度过了一个短暂访问我们城市

    My husband's brother-in-law, Joseph, an American real estate agent, came to China for a short visit to our city.


  • 同时期望能够我校进行一个短暂访问我们一些关于翂“现代西方经济学”的讲座

    Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on "Modern Western Economics".


  • 同时希望有一天能够我校进行短暂访问我们一些关于缴“现代西方经济学”的讲座

    Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on "Modern Western Economics".


  • 我们在这个世界上的处境奇怪每个,都是来一次短暂访问知道为了什么不过有时似乎也会觉察到有某种目的。

    Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose.


  • 我们在这个世界上处境奇怪的:每个,都是来一次短暂访问知道是为了什么不过有时似乎也会觉察到有某种目的。 。

    Strange eis our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose.


  • 克鲁尼为了苏丹和平友爱定期上溯尼罗河对朱巴进行短暂的访问,眼下正在进行这样的一次例行突防。 我感到这理解起来很难的一句话。

    Mr Clooney is currently making one of his regular forays up the Nile in the service of Sudanese peace and brotherly love.


  • 这次短暂国事访问中的一举一动极其重要象征意义。

    The symbolism of every gesture will be of vital importance during the short state visit.


  • 主动成员尝试访问故障成员锁定数据应用程序短暂处于锁定等待状态默认情况下不会接受任何错误

    Applications on active members trying to access the locked data on the failing member will be briefly in a lock-wait state, and by default will not receive any errors.


  • 2006年国泰航空中国国航达成互相持股协议,国泰管理人员只是短暂访问北京,与中国国航的同侪分享信息

    Cathay Pacific executives made brief visits to Beijing to share information with their Air China counterparts soon after those carriers reached their cross-shareholding agreement in 2006.


  • 对于用户来说,幸运的是,这些故障一向短暂而且往往没有破坏通过IMAP访问

    Fortunately for users, these outages have consistently been brief, and have not tended to disrupt access via IMAP.


  • 此文写于(首次)短暂访问英国之后。他的散文不仅诙谐尖刻,其观察之细致入微也足以令人汗颜。

    Written after a short visit to the UK (his first), his essay is not just witty and acerbic, it is humblingly observant.


  • 访问蒙特利尔市去一家旅馆短暂会面,一次非常非常美好的幸福时刻因为他正在成功道路上取得巨大的成功,他真的成功了。

    Once when he was visiting Montreal, I saw him briefly in a hotel and it was a very, very wonderful, happy moment because he was on his way to becoming the great success he is.


  • 短暂访问文本从事主题收集卡片穿孔西摩·西蒙一系列查看更多读者即使不愿意读者

    With brief, accessible text, engaging topics and a perforated page of collectible CARDS Seymour Simon's See More reader series will rope in even the most reluctant readers.


  • 由于所有游客都会汽车到达人们定期访问他们家庭墓地概念考虑在内,短暂时刻用在仓库擦肩而过

    Since all visitors will arrive by automobile, a concept that could contribute to people's periodic visits to their family graves was considered for those brief moments spent passing by the warehouse.


  • 我们贵国短暂访问期间取得丰硕的成果。

    We have accomplished a great deal during our brief stay in your country.


  • 美国,几乎冰淇淋,1978年俄罗斯一次短暂访问上了俄罗斯品种的冰淇淋。

    I hardly ever eat ice cream at home, but became addicted to the Russian variety during a brief visit in 1978.


  • 美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿目前正在捷克共和国进行短暂访问,其日程包括帮助一家美国公司赢得核电厂建筑合同

    U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in the Czech Republic for a short visit that includes a push to help a U. S. firm win a nuclear plant construction contract.


  • 干洗机价格短暂访问当地的清洁工人通常提供一个主意业务做法以及他们如何处理他们客户

    A short visit to a local cleaners will generally provide you with a good idea of the business 'practices and how they deal with their customers.


  • 这位洛杉基湖人队后卫此次中国进行短暂访问的目的基层篮球阿迪达斯体育用品作宣传

    The Los Angeles Lakers guard is on a short visit to China to promote street basketball and Adidas sportswear.


  • 一直着迷优雅社会风俗自从高中英语文化交流短暂访问美国一流的教育环境

    I have been fascinated by the elegant social customs and first-class education environment ever since my high school time's short visit to the USA for English cultural communication.


  • 一直着迷优雅社会风俗自从高中英语文化交流短暂访问美国一流的教育环境

    I have been fascinated by the elegant social customs and first-class education environment ever since my high school time's short visit to the USA for English cultural communication.


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