VANISHING ICEIn the sediments of Arctic lakes, researchers found evidence that Numbers of sulfate-reducing bacteria are growing.
The researchers proposed that, if sulfate-reducing bacteria Numbers jumped as ice cover dropped, they should see increasing levels of inorganic sulfur over time.
Alan Werner, a professor of geology at Mount Holyoke College, points out that other culprits may contribute to increasing Numbers of sulfate-reducing bacteria.
This paper introduces three kinds of bacteria which are the most hazardous for oilfield water injection, namely sulfate reducing bacteria, iron bacteria and saprophytic bacteria.
This paper introduces three kinds of bacteria which are the most hazardous for oilfield water injection, namely sulfate reducing bacteria, iron bacteria and saprophytic bacteria.
Sulfate reducing bacteria(SRB)is the bacteria which can reduce sulfate, sulfite and thiosulfate as well as element sulfur into H_2S.
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are one of the most important corrosion-inducing bacteria, whose metabolites can accelerate the corrosion process of metallic material in marine enviroment.
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are one of the most important corrosion-inducing bacteria, whose metabolites can accelerate the corrosion process of metallic material in marine enviroment.