• 没有什么硬性规定

    There are no hard and fast rules about this.


  • 这些不是什么必须使用硬性规定

    These are not hard and fast rules that you must use.


  • 我们知道一名第二前锋勿庸置疑的,不是硬性的规定

    We all know I feel that I am a second striker, that is beyond doubt, but it is not a diktat.


  • 关于一点没有硬性规定但是大多数省道通常向前中心线中心线烫倒。

    There are not hard and fast rules about this, but most darts normally fold in towards the CF or CB. See arrows in Figure 13-10. press a way from CF.


  • 关于一点没有硬性的规定但是大多数省道通常向前中心线后中心线烫倒。

    There are not hard and fast rules about this but most darts normally fold in towards the cf or cb. see arrows in figure13-10. press a way from cf.


  • 这些不是硬性规定要听的。

    Attendance at these lectures is not compulsory.


  • 不幸的是,如何设定研究问题没有任何硬性规定正如没有对如何写出有趣翔实开头规定一样。

    Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph.


  • 虽然不是硬性规定每次同样方式发布全部应用程序趋向使过程更加可重复并且防止文件丢失所导致的问题

    Although this is not a hard and fast rule, releasing the whole application in the same way each time tends to make the process more repeatable and prevents problems with missing files.


  • 人生指南手册应该怎么样,这个没有硬性规定取决于喜好

    There is no hard and fast rule on how a life handbook should be; it is up to your preference.


  • 希腊的债务危机极大地暴露欧盟在管理预算赤字限额上的有心无力,对赤字上限有着硬性规定的《稳定增长公约》旨在巩固单一货币

    The Greek crisis cruelly exposed the EU's inability to police the budget-deficit limits imposed by the stability and growth pact, which is meant to underpin the single currency.


  • 对此没有硬性规定因为内存动态分配的,除非必需,否则不会用到

    There is no penalty for this, as the memory is allocated dynamically, and will not be used unless it is really needed.


  • 戴姆·克莱尔要把幼师居家保姆必须按责授予学龄前孩童69项硬性规定技能减少17项。

    Dame Clare wants to cut to 17 the over-prescriptive list of 69 skills that nursery staff and childminders must impart to their charges before they toddle off to school.


  • 目前关于一项具有法律效力婚前协议英国现行离婚中是有许多硬性规定的(图表)。

    English divorce law has until now set strict rules for prenuptial deals to be valid (see graphic).


  • 过程硬性规定女性比例漫长,可能是更高效、更有意义的方法。

    That may be a slower process than imposing a quota, but it is also likely to be a more meaningful and effective one.


  • 正在负责最初评价工作的前任总督学吉姆·罗斯爵士(SirJim Rose)就曾经说过:总课标必须绝少硬性规定

    Sir Jim Rose, the former chief schools inspector who is conducting a review of the primary curriculum, has said the curriculum must be less prescribed.


  • 大多数司法管辖区没有硬性规定客观性独立性相关道德总体指导必须是要遵守的。

    In most jurisdictions, there are no hard and fast rules but the overall guidance on ethics relating to objectivity and independence should be adhered to.


  • 基本正确的软性准则总比一个没有经济意义硬性规定的强。

    It is better to have a soft rule that is roughly right than a hard rule that makes no economic sense.


  • 一修正或许真的某人综合网上存在提供了份更为准确指标或者说综合情况并非完全透明情况的硬性规定测度达到的准确指标。

    The revision probably does provide a more accurate indication of someone's overall online presence-or as accurate as an arbitrary measure in which the components are not fully transparent can be.


  • 当然这个没有任何硬性规定的。

    There are no hard and fast rules.


  • 起初规定硬性严格的。

    Originally, they were very rigid about this.


  • 基础设施缺少财政技术手段妨碍它们达到硬性规定要求

    Poor infrastructure and lack of financial and technical means would prevent them from meeting the requirements set by binding rules.


  • 以前没有这样硬性规定风电预测预报电厂来说可有可无。

    Before such a hard and fast rules, wind power prediction of wind power plant is dispensable.


  • 对于如何庆祝没有硬性规定伟大的如果觉得参与任何方式可以

    There are no hard and fast rules on how to celebrate the day but it is great if you feel like participating any way you can.


  • 我们根据以往经验如果硬性规定供应商短的时间仓促开发牺牲系统质量为代价。

    Based on past experience, should a provider be obligated to launch a system on-line within rigid time schedule, quality would always be sacrificed.


  • 明白签署风险披露声明书交易所规则硬性规定

    You understand that the signing of this risk disclosure statement is mandatory under the rule of the Exchange.


  • 对夫妇唯一必须坚持硬性规定就是这辆“83岁”的时速限制40英里以内。

    The only hard rule the couple have to stick by is the 40 mile per hour speed limit the 83-year old car is restricted to.


  • 对夫妇唯一必须坚持硬性规定就是这辆“83岁”的时速限制40英里以内。

    The only hard rule the couple have to stick by is the 40 mile per hour speed limit the 83-year old car is restricted to.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定