Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology can capture the carbon dioxide from coal and gas plants and prevent it from escaping to the atmosphere.
No complete, full-scale carbon capture and storage plants have been built to date - the technology is still in its infancy.
McCarthy said it's unlikely businesses will use carbon capture and storage, because the technology is still in the early demonstration stages and it's expensive.
With fossil fuel-burning power stations continuing to be built rather thanclosed down there has been recent focus on technologies that capture and storethe carbon pollution produced.
The UNEP's Steiner says "farming carbon" this way is far cheaper than new technology to capture and store carbon dioxide emissions at their source.
The two sides welcomed recent agreements between Chinese and U.S. companies, universities, and research institutions to cooperate on CCS and more efficient coal technologies.
Also, the technology USES a lot of water and sequestering carbon underground isn't proven.
Under the proposed agreement, the EU would assist China to build by 2015 a new power station to demonstrate technologies both for carbon capture and storage and for clean coal.
CCS technology has been tested successfully on small-scale trials, but is still unproven at commercial scale anywhere in the world.
We're also going to promote an energy partnership on shale gas resources as well as work to promote technologies and cooperation on large-scale carbon gas sequestration projects.
As articles for chinadialogue. net have shown, Carbon Capture and Storage is very energy intensive and not commercially viable in many parts of the world.
As shown in this work, Beccs [Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage] could offer a way back from exceeding climate targets.
As shown in this work, Beccs [Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage] could offer a way back from exceeding climate targets.