Where do I find the instructions to load DOS programs from Windows 98?
This operating system was called Disk operating system or DOS.
Later, it was the Disk Operating System which came along and provided a consistent way for programs to interface with hardware through the BIOS.
This paper discusses how to expand the system's functions of a personal computer, so as to make it suitable for the real-time multitask control environment.
In VSE, to bring a program phase from a core image library into main storage for execution.
This paper introduces a recently developed disk operating system supporting Chinese Characters and international phonetic signs for processing Chinese dialect.
The part of a disk operating system that controls the organization and allocation of disk files, which may consist of one or more sectors.
When your operating system is running, files on the diskette can be read without triggering the boot disk virus.
Disk operating system (DOS) is a program that controls the transfer of data to and from a hard or floppy disk, frequently combined with the main operating system.
This ran on an 'operating system' called DOS, produced then by a small company named Microsoft.
This ran on an 'operating system' called DOS, produced by a then small company named Microsoft.
A program that improves throughput in a VSE system by separating unit-record input and output operations from internal computing operations.
In 1987, a beginning computer user was overheard saying in a new York store that he was having trouble learning Microsoft DOS, the new disc operating system for personal computers.
本文介绍了在IBM PC的单用户单任务磁盘操作系统IBM PC—DOS或MS-DOS基础上实现的一种适用于各种监控系统的实时多任务系统。
This paper presents a real-time and multi-task processing system developed on IBM PC-DOS (or MS-DOS) which is a single user and single-task operating system.
本文介绍了在IBM PC的单用户单任务磁盘操作系统IBM PC—DOS或MS-DOS基础上实现的一种适用于各种监控系统的实时多任务系统。
This paper presents a real-time and multi-task processing system developed on IBM PC-DOS (or MS-DOS) which is a single user and single-task operating system.