The change in air pressure associated with a sonic boom is only a few pounds per square foot — about the same pressure change experienced riding an elevator down two or three floors.
Sonic booms are measured in pounds per square foot of overpressure.
It's tough to find a window unit that's lighter than 46 pounds-and a machine like that would be able to cool only a fairly small room (150 square feet or less).
这是个什么概念呢? 150磅的人给地面的压力仅为3磅每平方英尺。
To put that pressure in perspective, a 150 pound person exerts only about 3 pounds per square inch.
It's tough to find a window unit that's lighter than 46 pounds-and a machine like that would be able to cool only a fairly small room (150 square feet or less).what makes them so heavy?
It's tough to find a window unit that's lighter than 46 pounds-and a machine like that would be able to cool only a fairly small room (150 square feet or less). What makes them so heavy?
Up to 220 square feet of rainforest are sacrificed to produce just one pound of hamburger.
来一个对比吧。 在海面下3英里的深度,水压也不到7000磅/平方英尺。
As a comparison, pressures three miles below the ocean surface are less than 7, 000 pounds per square inch.
Demolition experts detonated over 800 pounds (360 kilograms) of explosives, toppling a million-square-foot, 21-story Baptist Memorial Hospital where Elvis Presley died.
Demolition experts detonated over 800 pounds (360 kilograms) of explosives, toppling a million-square-foot, 21-story Baptist Memorial Hospital where Elvis Presley died.