• 然而当前社会研究方法存在一系列问题。

    However, we now face a series of problems in social research.


  • 社会研究方法是以实证研究主要特征方法学科

    The study of social research methods is a methodological subject, which features mainly as empirical research.


  • 社会科学研究方法生成数据

    The research methods of social science generate two kinds of data.


  • 不是划定社会研究能够采用方法的界限。

    This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.


  • 因此如果创造文化能力我们生物学特征基础Thornton认为寻找我们文化根源方法之一就是研究其它动物社会存在的更简单传统

    So if the foundation for the capacity for culture is rooted in our biology, Thornton argues, one of the ways to find these roots is to study the simpler traditions seen in other animals.


  • 随着阿兹·海其他类型痴呆阴霾威胁着正在老龄化美国社会研究人员急切地寻找方法确定患上这类疾病

    With the specter of Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia threatening an aging American society, researchers are urgently looking for ways to determine who is going to develop such illnesses.


  • 现在我们正在寻找方法研究气候变化人类社会影响

    Now we are acquiring tools to look at its effects on human society.


  • 作者简介:丹妮尔·佩尔·里克耶鲁大学儿童研究中心社会神经系统学研究用电生理学方法研究孤独症

    About the Author: Danielle Perszyk is a social neuroscience researcher at the Yale Child Study Center, where she studies autism using electrophysiological methods.


  • 同时, 我非常信心可以研究一些方法,提高我们中国社会责任感.

    I’m pretty sure he’ll have some ideas about ways to develop a stronger sense of our civic duties in China too.


  • 对于社会人类学分析,我们主要采用了定性研究方法

    In social and anthropological approaches, we propose qualitative methods for the research.


  • 认为人类学采用人类学的理论方法研究民间社会法律行为法律现象的一门学科

    It holds that legal anthropology is a discipline that studies the legal behaviors and phenomena in folk society through anthropological theories and methods.


  • 明天一早社会媒体营销研究DanZarrella将发布一个Twitter工具,允许你通过分析t witter用户最近1000条tweets洞察用户内心世界方法

    Tomorrow morning, social media and marketing researcher Dan Zarrella is debuting a new way to see into the minds of Twitter users by analyzing their most recent 1,000 tweets.


  • MarkLevine就是这种方法兴趣的研究之一英国兰开斯特大学社会心理学家,专事研究大众行为方式。

    One researcher who is interested in this approach is Mark Levine, a social psychologist at Lancaster University in Britain who studies crowds.


  • 二千多年以来,人们研究哲学社会问题商议国家大事时候,依然采用这些问题解决方法

    The treatment of these problems was typical of the approach which philosophical and sociological problems, discussions of state, government, and so on, continued to receive for more than 2000 years.


  • 文章简略地介绍了所使用社会调查方法形成两个研究假设

    The article introduces briefly the social investigation method used and forms two research hypotheses.


  • 运用文献资料调研质的研究问卷调查数理统计等方法秧歌文化、秧歌锻炼群体及其社会控制进行调研分析。

    Through using the method of literature investigation, qualitative study, questionnaire and mathematical statistics, this paper made investigation on Yangge Exercise group and social control.


  • 本文采用研究方法主要比较分析社会调查方法

    The major research methods adopted in this dissertation are comparative analysis and social surveys.


  • 本文进一步案例研究证明:所提出的社会效益评价方法实用的、可行的。

    The evaluation method represented in this thesis has been proved to be practical and realistic by a further case study.


  • 社会冲突的认识和理解以及研究方法等都有待提高。

    In cognition, comprehension and method, the research needs to be improved.


  • 一次简单带有社会研究方法分类实验并且还是建立在关于异国文化理解揣度基础之上

    This is a simple classification experiment with the sociological research method, and, it is established on the basis of the understanding and speculates of foreign culture.


  • 本文阐述了物理学方法研究舒适理论基础总结国际社会室内环境热舒适性标准

    This paper explains thermal comfort theoretical foundation with physics method and summaries the thermal comfort standards of every international community.


  • 那么社会科学中,人们研究揭示社会系统规律时,这一方法是否适用,是否也有效呢?

    Then, does it still work or do efficiently in social science, when people try to study and reveal the laws of the social system?


  • 研究数目已经注意缺乏明确方法衡量无形社会文化影响

    A number of studies have noted the lack of clear methods to measure intangible sociocultural impacts.


  • 根据本文研究特点,本文研究方法选择大体上选择了、社会科学研究事实案例分析法研究方法

    According to the characteristics of this study, this paper selected Information literature survey method, Social science research method and Cases analysis on the general.


  • 第一研究一般较为封闭较少运用法律社会方法

    First, its research seals up generally, few utilization sociology of law method.


  • 由于研究视野研究方法的问题,主流经济学理论在对企业产生问题的解释存在着明显的缺陷,这些缺陷表现缺乏社会的、动态研究视野。

    Because of the limit research view and method, there are several limitations on these explanation, which shows that these research is in lack of social and dynamic view.


  • 为期一日进修班中,我们参与者介绍社会研究混合方法

    In this one-day workshop, participants will be introduced to the field of mixed methods social research.


  • 信息社会一个终身学习社会学习方法研究和掌握显得非常重要

    A society of information is one requiring life-long learning; therefore, the mastery of the right learning methods is especially important.


  • 文章吸收了社会人类学理论方法典型研究为基本研究手段对涉及赣南社会经济诸多方面问题进行了剖析

    With the theories and the researching approaches of sociology and anthropology, it gives a detailed analysis of various issues concerning the social and economic changes in the area.


  • 文章吸收了社会人类学理论方法典型研究为基本研究手段对涉及赣南社会经济诸多方面问题进行了剖析

    With the theories and the researching approaches of sociology and anthropology, it gives a detailed analysis of various issues concerning the social and economic changes in the area.


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