• 因此如果创造文化能力我们生物学特征基础Thornton认为寻找我们文化根源方法之一就是研究其它动物社会存在的更简单传统

    So if the foundation for the capacity for culture is rooted in our biology, Thornton argues, one of the ways to find these roots is to study the simpler traditions seen in other animals.


  • 本文阐述了物理学方法研究舒适理论基础总结国际社会室内环境热舒适性标准

    This paper explains thermal comfort theoretical foundation with physics method and summaries the thermal comfort standards of every international community.


  • 一次简单带有社会研究方法分类实验并且还是建立在关于异国文化理解揣度基础之上

    This is a simple classification experiment with the sociological research method, and, it is established on the basis of the understanding and speculates of foreign culture.


  • 运用文献资料调查访问研究方法,对轮滑运动发展趋势社会基础等方面进行理论阐述

    With the methods of documentation, investigation and interview, this article studies the developing trend and social foundation of roller skating.


  • 并且继承学界前辈科研成果基础本文重点研究总结了对于一个模糊系统,评价其社会效益基本思路方法

    Besides on the basis of inheriting the outcome of former research, the thesis mainly study and summarize a mistiness system. make it the basic mind and method.


  • 方法75社区高血压患者作为研究对象充分评估基础上,给予患者本人,家庭社会多方面心理支持

    Methods on base of sufficient evaluation, 75 cases of patients with hypertension in community as studied object were given psychological support of many-side from patients-self, family and society.


  • 第二主要概念:城市农民工社会排斥进行界定研究框架讨论,在此基础提出了本文研究假设,确定了研究方法调查方案;

    Chapter two defines the main concepts of Urban-rural labors and social exclusion, probe the study framework and try to expound the hypothesis, research methodology of this dissertation.


  • 本文国内外文献研究基础上,运用经济学社会方法性别分析的角度对福建茶叶产业工人的工资收入问题做定量分析。

    Based on the literature review, the paper, by using the economic and sociological methods, explores the quantitative study on the issue of wage income in Fujian tea industry from gender perspective.


  • 当前研究运用理论基础的、被很证实的、多维度方法,即社会认知量表评估了精神分裂症病人表现

    The current study assessed schizophrenia patients 'performance on a theoretically-based, well validated, multidimensional measure of emotional intelligence, the social cognition scale.


  • 文献信息社会研究基础上,对信息管理学研究方法体系进行了论述

    This article discusses the methodology of IMS on the base of research work of LIS, in which, classification and thematic method is a sublimation from literature information processing approach.


  • 交通量预测社会经济指标数据基础预测数据,研究灰色预测模型社会经济预测中的应用方法

    In the forecast of traffic volume, the data of, social economic is the most important predicting data. It discusses the application of grey model in the prediction of social economic.


  • 进行汉代墓葬区域性研究要作基础研究,又要基础研究之上作相关社会研究,并在研究过程中坚持正确理论方法这样才能做到对区域性墓葬的全面研究

    To study the regional Han tombs comprehensively needs both basic and the related social investigation, so we must adhere to correct theories and methods in the process of research.


  • 论文空间分析理论方法基础,以社会经济数据尺度转换主要内容,从理论应用两个层面展开研究

    Based on the theories and methods of spatial analysis, the scaling of socioeconomic data is studied. The thesis focuses on both the development of theory and practices.


  • 研究实际考察基础,借鉴社会民俗学多学科方法

    On the basis of fieldwork, the research involves methods in sociology, folklore, etc.


  • 本文以实证研究根本,基础运用分析统计归纳综合方法文学社会理论

    The research mainly applies the method of empirical study, and on this basis, analytical, statistical, inductive and synthetic methods and the theories of literary sociology are also used.


  • 本文以实证研究根本,基础运用分析统计归纳综合方法文学社会理论

    The research mainly applies the method of empirical study, and on this basis, analytical, statistical, inductive and synthetic methods and the theories of literary sociology are also used.


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