• 针对一目标研究社会认知理论基础,提出学习者自律模式

    For this purpose, this research is based on social cognitive theory and proposed a learner self-regulation model.


  • 笔者设计实现基于社会认知理论实时标注系统正是为了顺应这样的形式。

    The Real-time Labeling System, which is based on Social Cognitive Theory, is a kind of system embedded to Word2007.


  • 成就目标理论心理学领域关于动机问题研究一个重要社会认知理论

    Achievement goal theory which regards to motivation research was an important social cognitive theory in the field of psychology.


  • 归因理论作为一种社会认知理论许多领域尤其是教育领域得到了广泛应用

    As a social cognitive theory, attribution theory get wide application in many areas, especially in education area.


  • 马库斯关于自我图式可能自我工作的自我概念等观点形成了自我的社会认知理论

    Markus view on self schemata, possible selves and working self conceptions constitutes her social cognitive theory on self.


  • 本文尝试运用食品市场防御模型说服模型社会认知理论解释这种数字游戏对玩主健康影响

    Theoretical explanations including the food marketing defense model, persuasion knowledge model, and social cognitive theory are used to explain the influence of gaming on young players' health.


  • 20年左右,以社会认知理论命名个性观点正悄然兴起,并成为心理学重新综合趋势重要反映

    In the recent 20 years, a new perspective on personality has emerged under the label social cognitive theories and it has become an important reflection of integration in the field of psychology.


  • 依据社会认知理论通过行为塑造技能实践注重培养技能,建立对于新行为的自我效能感积极的期望

    Based on Social Cognitive Theory and focuses on developing skills and building self-efficacy and positive expectations about new behaviors through modeling behaviors and practicing new skills.


  • 文章对自恋概念形成精神分析学说客体关系理论自身心理学说、社会认知理论进化心理学理论进行了回顾

    This paper reviewed the formation of definition and theories, including depth psychology, object relation theory, self psychology, social cognitive theory, evolutionary psychology, etc.


  • 研究作者ValerieCarson:“这个研究是以社会认知理论为基础表明看到人们做某种行为学习这种行为的方式。”

    Research author Valerie Carson, said: 'This research is based on social cognitive theory, which suggests that seeing people engaged in a behaviour is a way of learning that behaviour.


  • 自我效能社会认知理论中的核心概念,是某人自身能否成功地从事项任务进行某种行为活动能力判断。

    Self-efficacy, which is a central concept in Bandura's social cognitive theory, refers to beliefs about one's ability to perform any given task or behavior successfully.


  • 根据道德自我社会认知理论,道德判断通过道德主体情绪自我调节机制与道德行为联系,但道德脱离的认知过程可以使控制行为的自我调节不起作用。

    According to the social cognitive theory of the moral self, moral reasoning is linked to moral action through affective self-regulatory mechanisms by which moral agency is exercised.


  • 一系列理论实验结果以及认知欺骗模型都被刊登九月日《国际社会机器人杂志》的网络版上。

    The results of robot experiments and theoretical and cognitive deception modeling were published online on September 3 in the International Journal of Social Robotics.


  • 无意识思想认知理论社会心理研究日渐整合、凝聚结果。

    It is the integration of the thought of unconsciousness, cognitive theory and social psychological research.


  • 这个理论社会心理学家Leon,Festinger提出的,被称为认知失调理论”。

    The idea was developed by the social psychologist Leon Festinger and it's called "Cognitive Dissonance Theory."


  • 目的使用社会认知信息加工理论评估行为心理偏离

    AIM: To evaluate the behavioral and psychological deviation by using social cognitive processing theory.


  • 对内隐人格理论实体-渐变维度研究近年来社会认知研究的一个趋势

    The Research in the dimension of entity theory versus incremental theory of implicit personality theories is a new trend in social cognition.


  • 目前认知语言学理论面临如何科学地解决各种大量显性隐性社会心理规约问题

    The current challenge in cognitive linguistic theory is how to solve the large number of problems of explicit and intrinsic social and psychological conventions.


  • 成就目标理论作为解释成就动机行为社会认知模式之一,一直受到国内外心理研究极大重视。

    As one of the social-cognitive model interpreted the achievement motivation behavior, the achievement goal theory was most widely studies among the psychological researches both at home and abroad.


  • 检讨了心理学社会心理学、社会公共关系学学科相关理论社会认知自我、人际互动、公共关系CIS等。

    The theories of psychology, social psychology, sociology, public relations are studied, such as social acknowledgement, oneself, public relations and CIS, etc.


  • 关于自己的元哲学理论杜威交代一个对于传统哲学态度:哲学发源于社会情绪材料认知材料

    Concerning his own meta-philosophy, John Dewey presents a new attitude to traditional philosophy: philosophy is derived not from cognitive material but from social emotion material.


  • 理论认为知识一定个体认知结构被主动建构的,因此基本上个体性的,同时依赖经验社会交流

    The theory assumes that knowledge is actively constructed in individual cognitive structure and therefore, it is basically individual but depending on the same experience and social communications.


  • 本文简要描述回顾了后悔基本概念,后悔的经典理论以及后悔研究当代社会认知神经科学中的进展

    This article briefly describes and reviews concept of regret, classic theories of regret and the study in the progress of social cognitive neuroscience.


  • 简单地说,合作学习指让学生小组形式进行学习一种教学组织策略理论基础主要社会心理学认知心理学建构主义学习论。

    CL is a teaching tactic that organizes the students to study in group. It's directed by social psychology, learning psychology and constructivism theory.


  • 认知人类学主要内容认知旨趣理论、交往共同体理论关于人文社会科学的不同类型的理论

    The main substances of cognitive anthropology are the followings: the theory of cognitive interests; the theory of communicative community and the theory of the types of Geisteswissenschaften.


  • 1995年,米契尔等人扩展社会认知方法提出认知-情感人格系统理论,做出了整合人格心理学尝试

    In 1995 he and Shoda extended the social cognitive approach and brought forward cognitive-affective personality system theory in an attempt to integrate personality psychology.


  • 目前关于进食障碍预防理论模型主要三种非特异性易感压力模型社会认知模型批判性社会观点模型。

    There are three theoretical models on the prevention of eating disorders:non-specific vulnerability-stressor model, social cognitive model, and critical social perspectives model.


  • 当前研究运用理论基础的、被很证实的、多维度方法,即社会认知量表评估了精神分裂症病人表现

    The current study assessed schizophrenia patients 'performance on a theoretically-based, well validated, multidimensional measure of emotional intelligence, the social cognition scale.


  • 当前研究运用理论基础的、被很证实的、多维度方法,即社会认知量表评估了精神分裂症病人表现

    The current study assessed schizophrenia patients 'performance on a theoretically-based, well validated, multidimensional measure of emotional intelligence, the social cognition scale.


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