Third, to promote positive movement of charity mechanism needs to raise social independence of our country and strengthen social responsibility norm.
作为全球第一个企业道德规范标准,SA80 0 0明确了企业的社会责任规范,也提出了相应的管理要求。
As the first global standard of business ethics, SA8000 defines the social responsibilities of businesses and corresponding management requirements as well.
Fourth, standardize guidance and strengthen the social responsibility of enterprises.
企业社会责任(corporate social responsibility)是一种将企业自规范融合到商业模式中的形式。
Corporate social responsibility Programs: corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model.
In the substantive sector of society, the responsibility of accounting information disclosure is not normal and incomplete.
Instead, society would benefit if the organizations themselves assumed most of the responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own standards and regulations.
For thousands of years, people have always considered it a social responsibility and behavioral norm to respect the aged and care for the young.
Modern criminal law is an operative norm facing to all members, therefore, the majority of crimes can be implemented by all that have the capacity of criminal responsibility.
The medical professionalism is founded by the specialty of the medicine. The medical professionalism maintains the social responsibility of medicine and regulates the actions of doctors.
Detailed, intact and accurate, the Report complies with international standards and the Guidelines for Central Enterprises to Fulfill Social Responsibilities issued by the SASAC.
Instead, society would benefit if the organizations themselves assumed responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own standards and regulations.
But the social norm gives the duty of home caring more to the woman because of the gender consciousness, the woman today are facing fierce role conflict and high pressure.
In the contemporary public life characterized by pluralism, however, the moral responsibility is thought to be determined by the normative dimension rather than the virtue one.
And to build a corporate social responsibility evaluation system could induct and standard company to perform the social responsibility better.
Chapter12 Ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), health and safety.
Chapter12 Ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), health and safety.