The biggest finding in brain research in the last ten years is that the brain at any age is highly adaptable, or “plastic, ” as neurologists put it.
The stakes were very high, "says Dr. Steven Goldstein, the neurologist who treated Kubitz in the emergency room at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center."
在麦迪逊市的威斯康星大学神经病学家约翰·弗莱明博士(John Fleming)目前正在测试猪体鞭虫是否可以缓和多发性硬化症的病情。
At the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Dr. John Fleming, a neurologist, is testing whether the pig whipworm can temper the effects of multiple sclerosis.
在Radiolab(一档广播节目-译注),神经病学家奥利佛·萨克斯(Oliver Sacks)和艺术家查克·克劳斯(ChuckClose)进行了一次有趣的讨论,讨论的内容是他们患有面容失忆症的经历——无法根据面部辨认出他人。
RadioLab has an interesting discussion between neurologist Oliver Sacks and artist Chuck Close about their experience of having prosopagnosia - the inability to recognise people by their faces.
Recently US scientists reported on the case of a woman whose amygdala had been destroyed by a medical condition.
狄克生博士是哈佛大学医学院的神经病学副教授。 美国科学家们观察了一位因病导致杏仁核受损的妇女,最近他们就观察结果作了报告。
Recently USscientists reported on the case of a woman whose amygdala had beendestroyed by a medical condition。
狄克生博士是哈佛大学医学院的神经病学副教授。 美国科学家们观察了一位因病导致杏仁核受损的妇女,最近他们就观察结果作了报告。
Recently USscientists reported on the case of a woman whose amygdala had beendestroyed by a medical condition。