• 席琳·迪翁的私人岛屿不在热带地区。

    Celine Dion's private island is not in the tropics.


  • 提到独享私人岛屿度假很难受到打扰。

    When it comes to exclusivity, it's hard to beat vacationing on a private island.


  • 怎么梅尔·吉布森,都不能否认对于私人岛屿独到的品味

    Say what you will about Mel Gibson, he certainly has good taste in private islands.


  • 除非愿意堡垒要塞,否则私人岛屿的风险比较高。

    Unless you want to build a small fortress, private islands are risky spots.


  • 位置某个地方一个小型私人岛屿西北部拿骚(鲢鱼)。

    Location is somewhere on a small private island north - west of Nassau (Chub Cay).


  • 还在寻找自己的天堂提到独享私人岛屿度假很难受到打扰。

    Looking for your own piece of paradise? When it comes to exclusivity, it's hard to beat vacationing on a private island.


  • 这个旅游胜地蔚蓝环礁湖私人岛屿一个浪漫烛光晚餐提供了陪衬。

    But it's the resort's private isle in an azure lagoon that sets the scene for a romantic candlelit dinner.


  • 因为成功得到的酬劳根据新闻所述包括荣誉市民免费机票私人岛屿别墅

    His reward for success, according to news accounts, included honorary citizenship, free airline flights and a villa on a private island.


  • 乡村歌星费丝·希尔蒂姆·麦克洛完成他们私人岛屿GoatCay新家的工作。

    Country stars Faith Hill and Tim McGraw are finishing up work on a new home on their private island of Goat Cay.


  • 这家友好的乔治度假村所有年龄兴趣提供活动和坐落谨慎私人岛屿总的宁静

    This family-friendly Lake George resort provides activities for all ages and interests and is nestled on a discreet private island for total serenity.


  • 船行不久我们经过努萨唯一私人岛屿就是理查德·布兰森[1]的美克皮斯员工巴厘风格的居所里。

    Soon we pass Noosa's only privately owned island; it's Richard Branson's Makepeace Island, where a Balinese-style retreat has been built for his staff.


  • 瑞查德先生属维京群岛一个私人岛屿打理生意,并通过e-mails史密森杂志梅根甘比诺交谈。

    Sir Richard, who conducts business from a private island in the British Virgin Islands, emails with the magazine's Megan Gambino.


  • 不安感觉会增加到了追逐富丽的房子私人岛屿——一个卡罗莱纳州海岸超过名字

    And her feelings of unease only increase when she arrives at Chase's opulent house on his private island off the South Carolina coast - an island that has more than earned its name.


  • 文章主旨中国超级富豪如今已加入比尔盖茨理查德•布兰森之列,开始全球购买私人岛屿作为世外桃源。

    The thrust of this article is that China's super-rich are now joining the ranks of Bill Gates and Richard Branson in buying private get-away islands around the world.


  • 这些岛屿包括三百座按照世界大洲形状分组私人岛屿。这些岛屿用作房地产私人住宅岛屿社区度假村

    They consist of 300 private islands grouped into the shape of the continents of the world and will be used for estates, private homes, community islands, and resorts.


  • 这里有许多私人岛屿连绵数英里的白色海滩可以白天和鲸鲨、魔鬼鱼一起潜水晚上奢华别墅里享受私人游泳池的安逸时光。

    Private islands. Miles of ivory beaches. You can dive or snorkel with whale sharks and manta rays by day and stay in a luxury villa with a private plunge pool by night.


  • 周一清晨维珍集团大亨布兰森位于内克尔岛上的价值数百万英镑的豪宅闪电击中当时整个地区遭受时速90英里的艾琳飓风袭击。 内克尔岛布兰森私人岛屿,价值六千万英镑。

    The multi-million-pound Great House on Necker, the Virgin tycoon’s 60million private island, was struck by lightning in the early hours of Monday when the region was battered by 90mph Hurricane Irene.


  • 英属维尔京群岛的纯净气息湛蓝海水一直让世界上的富豪和王室贵族趋之若鹜,罗斯沃德迪克斯酒店理查德·布兰森私人岛屿力克以及彼得岛,就是这些皇亲贵胄经常光顾的地方。

    The pristine BVI has long attracted yachties and royalty to its turquoise waters, thanks to posh resorts like Rosewood Little Dix Bay, Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island, and Peter Island.


  • 理查德·布兰森(英国亿万富翁)和马龙·白兰度私人度假来看,四个岛屿带有的名人效应为特有的奢侈假日添加了一道别致光环。

    From the private getaways of Richard Branson to Marlon Brando, the celebrity cachet of these four islands add a unique spin to the typical luxury holiday.


  • 瓜岛布达西印度群岛安提瓜和巴布达岛屿,在安提瓜北面1691年至1872年间被私人占有。

    Antigua and Barbuda: an island of Antigua and Barbuda in the West Indies north of Antigua. It was privately owned from 1691 to 1872.


  • 经济实惠岛屿呈现给令人心醉神迷大自然许多私人别墅自己厨师保安人员家政人员。

    It can be the most affordable island which offers you true ecstatic beauty of nature and many private villas that come with their own chefs, security and housekeeping staffs.


  • 西印度群岛安提瓜和巴布达一个岛屿提瓜北面'9年至872年间私人占有。

    An island of Antigua and Barbuda in the West Indies north of Antigua. It was privately owned from '9 to 872.


  • 我们看见了很多岛屿向导告诉我们这里所有的岛屿都是私人的。

    We saw many islands, the guide said that all of the islands are private.


  • 私人飞机度假岛屿老虎当宠物

    Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash.


  • 《卫报》报道,卡斯特罗前任保镖在出版的新书中写道:菲德尔·卡斯特罗在奢侈加勒比度假岛屿如同国王一般的生活,他拥有自己游艇,岛上很多海豚一个海龟养殖场。 他常两位私人献血者一同出游。

    Fidel Castro lived like a king with his own private yacht, a luxury Caribbean island getaway complete with dolphins and a turtle farm, and travelled with two personal blood donors, a new book claims.


  • 《卫报》报道,卡斯特罗前任保镖在出版的新书中写道:菲德尔·卡斯特罗在奢侈加勒比度假岛屿如同国王一般的生活,他拥有自己游艇,岛上很多海豚一个海龟养殖场。 他常两位私人献血者一同出游。

    Fidel Castro lived like a king with his own private yacht, a luxury Caribbean island getaway complete with dolphins and a turtle farm, and travelled with two personal blood donors, a new book claims.


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