Private bankers elsewhere also declined to comment on the products, citing the sensitive nature of the controversy.
As a private banker and intimate friend of Bismarck, Bleichroder was a famous banker in Berlin.
Some private bankers say the EU focus on Singapore is misplaced because little European money is parked there.
人才荒据说严 重到迫使银行启用当地美发师和汽车业务员,把他们 改造成私人银行家。
The talent shortage was so acute that banks reportedly were hiring local hairdressers and car salesman and turning them into private bankers.
The private bankers in Switzerland are a group of entrepreneurs in the privately owned banking sector who conduct their business using their own assets and assuming unlimited liabilities.
Later, when private bankers began marketing the product to retail investors, the Asian market proved a lucrative source of new business.
She drives a nice car, wears smart clothes and appears to be the embodiment of the neighbourhood personal banker she is during office hours.
Hao Ting, who owns a petroleum-equipment business in Beijing, recalls the investment sales pitch from her private banker in Hong Kong at Singapore's DBS Bank: "The world is made for wealthy people.
No single figure, much less a private banker, could wield the kind of power in today’s gargantuan collapsing markets that Morgan had a hundred years ago.
70岁的私人银行家约翰·皮尔庞特·摩根(J .Pierpont Morgan),不动声色地接管了局面。
J. Pierpont Morgan, a 70-year-old private banker, quietly took charge of the situation.
That has fueled a rise in what private bankers call 'liquidity events,' where a company owner or executive can cash in his holdings to become a millionaire or billionaire.
去年年底,它从苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)旗下私人银行RBSCout ts Bank的新加坡部门挖过来70名私人银行家。
Late last year, it hired 70 private bankers from RBS Coutts bank in Singapore.
The first is "No More Champagne" by David Lough, a private-banker-turned-historian who looks at Churchill's personal finances during the ups and downs of his career.
THIS is the opportunity of a lifetime to hire more private bankers, says Alex Widmer, chief executive of bank Julius Baer, part of Switzerland's third-biggest banking group.
A lot of private banking has not been about advice but about pushing products. Often bankers will be rewarded not just on the basis of assets under management but on product sales.
Policymakers seldom tire of talking about distorted incentives in the private sector—pay packages that encouraged bankers to think only about the short term, for example.
Some foreign bankers, flush with money, are fleeing fast, some on private jets.
The Institute of International Finance, a bankers' group, expects a 30% decline in net flows of private capital from last year.
But European bankers were newer to the joys of private equity lending in the recent boom and the scars are evidently still fresher.
But European bankers were newer to the joys of private equity lending in the recent boom and the scars are evidently still fresher.