The apartheid system which enshrined racism in law still existed.
I recently saw a movie about Ruby Bridges, one of the African-American children in New Orleans who were part of the first attempt to desegregate public schools in the south.
To understand the effects of apartheid it is necessary to think of the daily lives of the people and the ways in which their lives are regulated by apartheid.
Our system of educational apartheid, whereby the richest 10 per cent or so buy themselves out of the state sector, is already the most unfair in Europe.
He had also been to Appalachia to expose the depth of rural poverty in America, and had made an amazing trip to South Africa, where he challenged young people to fight apartheid.
约翰内斯堡消息——南非在星期三开始了自种族隔离制度废除后以来,竞争最为激烈的选举。 南非选民排队3小时只为投票。
JOHANNESBURG -- South African voters stood in line for hours Wednesday to cast their ballots in the most competitive election since the first postapartheid vote.
That does not necessarily make them wrong: civil disobedience, against British rule in India, or against segregation in America, has a long, honourable history.
Dan Warren and Fred Shuttlesworth, fighters for desegregation in America's South, died on September 18th and October 5th respectively, aged 85 and 89.
Not only was Johnson a black world champion more than 50 years before segregation was lifted, but he flaunted his success in a society which demanded that he be humble.
When the Supreme Court in 1954 announced the desegregation of America's schools Mr Shuttlesworth felt that he, the son of a sharecropper, stood equal in rights with any man.
Mr Wright had a chance to explain how blacks can feel ambivalent about America—how they can volunteer to fight in a war, as he did, but also feel furious about slavery and segregation.