He hopes that enterprises of both countries seize the opportunities and take active actions.
Mr Brown says that his activism has worked in cushioning the downturn and setting the economy on the path to recovery.
The proportion of Americans who think their country should be active in the world (42%) is the lowest it has been since the early 1990s.
It is important to treat this condition as early and aggressively as possible to prevent a serious infection that requires antibiotic treatment.
It includes positive conduct of tender, care and shield, and its offence often takes the form of passive non-conduct.
The tort Law is primarily to prevent and sanction perpetrator's "active tort", but it does not clearly define the perpetrator's "negative tort by omission".
To distinguish tort by negligence from tort by not acting is the basis in modern tort by negligence. Tort by negligence do not obligate people to act actively but only obligate people not to act,.
As an active participant in various volunteer work, I have a lot of experience in serving others.
As an integral part of learning, it brings about positive changes, making people develop and grow.
So as a positive step, we want to lead the industry to develop into a richer ecosystem.
So I think the problem is that our definitions of positive impact have become too narrow as designers.
The best way to teach — whether as an educator, employer, or parent — is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.
The best way to teach -- whether as an educator, employer, or parent - - is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.
It will not only help us in looking at their positive light, but also act as a positive vibe giving them ample fillip to look at our efforts more positively.
Meanwhile, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has actively and constructively taken part in Security Council activities and played its due role.
It will serve as positive reminder as the interviewers make their decision.
School closure can operate as a proactive measure, aimed at reducing transmission in the school and spread into the wider community.
The very least we can do as positive psychologists is to take our own data seriously.
History may regard that intervention as his main positive achievement as prime minister.
This approach is slightly different, because it assumes that the designer works actively with design pattern catalogs and USES the relationships between those patterns.
A strong and supportive policy environment is needed for the HEF to exercise their active purchasing role fully.
As a member of APEC, China always attaches importance to and actively participates in APEC cooperation in various fields.
The private sector, a highly active constituency in the RBM Partnership, is an indispensable source of funding in the business of fighting malaria.
As a dialogue partner, China has built active cooperative relations with Pacific Islands Forum and deepened friendly exchanges and dialogue with island countries.
In addition to using traditional Web site sources for planning, American travelers also are actively involved in the blogosphere.
As an ASEM member, China has consistently supported and actively participated in the Asia-Europe cooperation.
The Nepalese side said that as Nepal's official Media, they would commit to Nepal-China friendship and promote understanding, friendship and cooperation of the two peoples.
The Nepalese side said that as Nepal's official Media, they would commit to Nepal-China friendship and promote understanding, friendship and cooperation of the two peoples.