Science doesn't depend on indifference to fame, professional advancement, money, or comparisons with rivals.
Without defining them carefully it is not possible to compare and contrast them with those of rivals and thereby to seek ways of gaining competitive advantage.
Some compared Obama's choice to Abraham Lincoln's decision, following his hard-fought election in 1860, to appoint all three of his rivals for the Republican nomination to his cabinet.
The figures confirmed Goldman's edge over many of its weaker competitors – and reinforced a common view that business is better for banks on Wall Street than on the high street.
And don't forget to check what competing sites in the same niche are doing, and test the same elements on your site!
该活动的口号是“Size Matters”,广告中将怪兽哥斯拉与这款小巧的笔记本放在一起形成对比。 凭借这场广告战役,Vaio在美国的市场份额曾在小宫山英树2001年调回日本之前一度超过了竞争对手苹果。
With Sony ads that contrasted Godzilla and the tiny laptop, Mr. Komiyama pulled the Vaio ahead of rival Apple laptops in U.S. market share for a time before he moved back to Japan in 2001.
Foreign banks that have chosen to locally incorporate have found themselves operating on a different level than their domestic counterparts.
You need to differentiate your product from your competitor next door. Otherwise, you will keep on being compared automatically to what the next-door competitor is offering.
Adopt at the same time and compare with analytic approach, every maintenance company of South Airways of network analysis and the rival's excellent inferior position.
We urge you to compare the price and quality of our products with those of our competitors.
VW's competitors were spending more money on systems to comply with the law and help the environment.
Larger rival Baidu Inc, by contrast, employs about 4,000 sales and customer service personnel alone.
Larger rival Baidu Inc, by contrast, employs about 4,000 sales and customer service personnel alone.