"Changing careers in a competitive job market is not an easy thing to do," notes Hulvershorn.
However, gaining a foothold as a freelancer in a very competitive translation market may turn out to be a pretty complicated business.
Is it any wonder that such a field would be highly competitive in a society that affords its young members a choice of vocation?
In our rat-race culture, we too often witness young men and women choosing career paths which yield external recognition over those which they find intrinsically interesting.
While Graham had found a place where he felt accepted, within the super-competitive milieu of Europe’s professional scene, he again began to feel marginalized.
In both countries, teaching is a high-status profession (because it is fiercely competitive) and there are generous funds for each trainee teacher (because there are few of them).
The Olympics this year will have stiff competition because they are allowing professional athletes to compete.
That Hired professional managers act as the runners of the companies is an important tendency in the management of the modern companies in the rapid changing and tense competitive environment.
Owing to the fierce competition of job hunting, the university students need not only employment guidance before graduation, but also the overall career counseling services.
"There was too much competition," said ni, who left the national team in 1986 to attend college, before joining a professional club in Germany in 1989.
Low threshold, intense competition, absence of management and other reasons result in high turnover rate of tour guide career, low professional identity and hard working status.
In the current competitive job climate, hard work alone doesn't always get noticed, say career experts.
So fierce in the competition today, many students are going to work and had to give up their profession to engage in a very strange career.
While more attorneys and architects will be needed, competition for these jobs will be intense.
Challenge and competition that higher vocational and technical education will face is becoming more and more fierce.
It is important that the college students know how to make effective occupational decisions in the course of competitive and occupational changes.
Along with the aggravating of the social competition, the professional pressure becomes the new focus of modern enterprises' human resource management.
The modern working competition is fiercer and fiercer, the occupational disease invades the human body unconsciously too, more and more serious.
Based on data from the Occupational information Network (OINET), a U. S. Department of Labor database full of detailed information on occupations, below are the 10 most competitive jobs in America.
Competition is fierce and the majority of high school seniors will be relegated to vocational schools.
The written test scheduled for Nov. 30 this year includes two sessions, the administrative aptitude test (AAT) and the essay test, before a more competitive interview at the beginning of 2009.
The written test scheduled for Nov. 30 this year includes two sessions, the administrative aptitude test (AAT) and the essay test, before a more competitive interview at the beginning of 2009.