If you want to work together, then you can have a second author on the project.
Should the novel haven't the second author, the worthy readers could imagine it for themselves.
First they went to the lead authors of the published studies-the researchers who were supposed to have access to all of the data.
There have been some fatigue life prediction methods in the recent decades, but most of them cannot explain some known fatigue phenomena.
The primary author has a background in medicine and the secondary author has a background in nursing.
Wang, a deputy director of the BGI and co-senior author, was able to provide the Willerslev group with unparalleled access to sequencing capacity.
"This could be a cellular and biochemical process that starts in the lung and then proceeds from there into the cardiovascular system," commented co-author Joel Kaufman.
A second book has already been commissioned and is two-thirds finished.
Does the work bear its creator's imprint, and does it draw viewers' interest even after repeated viewings, Newhall's second and third criteria?
If books can have multiple authors, where might the database store a second author?
A second answer is that many authors who claim a new approach to a hot topic seem to be successful at publishing their books.
In the second part, the authors share a deep level of expertise.
In the second half of this paper, the authors will describe the details of each service and present a real-life user scenario.
In the second, the connections were randomly reshuffled after each round.
During the second half of his short life, Poe went after a literary career in New York, Richmond, Philadelphia, and Baltimore.
Then, when we open up the front, we see the author's note to the second edition, and this was something o 'connor added to the novel in 1962.
It was written in the second century sometime by a guy in Rome named Hermas, and it's called the Shepherd.
In the second part of her essay Driver tackles the thorny philosophical question of whether one can behave immorally when in “non-veridical” (illusory) circumstances.
The second obligatory condition is the possibility to shoot in manual mode, when sensitivity, exposure, diaphragm, and the compression quality can be adjusted by the user.
But if you do that, you need to repeat an identical PubID, Date, and Title just to mention a second author.
In addition to the first list, the report author decides to add a second list to display the Revenue by Product line and Product type.
In this second study, the authors used images from the social networking site Facebook rather than online dating Web sites.
In Part Two of the series, the author explains why an emphasis on inputs, outputs and certain processes might hinder performance and, ultimately, project value.
Experienced writers know not to file the first or second draft of a story — even when they're on deadline.
Another common failing is that the authors forget what readers most want to do when learning a new language; namely, to write small working programs to familiarize themselves with the syntax.
So the very existence of the second liturgy, the priesthood initiated by Christ, the very existence is used to prove, for this writer, that it's superior to what it supplanted.
Also, the movie's second unit director and its first screenwriter both died during the process.
Also, the movie's second unit director and its first screenwriter both died during the process.