It follows that every reversible adiabatic process is one of constant entropy, and may be described as isentropic.
The dynamical characteristics of a cold wave in southeastern Asia during 3-8 January1983 were analysed with isentropic potential vorticity (IPV) charts.
A strong cold wave entering Qinghai-Xizang Plateau during 8-10 January of 1983 is analys. Ed by the isentropic potential vorticity (IPV) maps.
The basic data thus obtained could be used for the calculation of the isentropic efficiency in the expanding process of natural gas in refrigeration.
The overall course is as follows: Firstly, take consistency level of decision, average information entropy and degree of discretization as evaluation criteria of the result of discretization.
This article describe the numerical simulation for shock compression which is produced by layered flyers impacting target, in which the isentropic curve is calculated by recurrence method.
The concept of design compression ratio of real gas in a vortex expander and computational method are put forth. The corresponding experimental study has been done.
The system solves the problems of the traditional on line analysis method, such as the window function and energy leak, and promote fault recognition rate.
The system solves the problems of the traditional on line analysis method, such as the window function and energy leak, and promote fault recognition rate.