So here's a very simple version of a spec for the script this application will talk with.
第1部分对整个系列进行了简要的介绍,总结了最终结果所有的部分,以及每一部分涵盖了X forms规范的哪个方面。
Part 1 is an introduction to the entire series summarizing all the portions of the end result and what facets of the XForms specification each part covers.
AMQP规范的贡献者之一 IONA科技公司发表了一份 简要说明,说明AMQP是什么,以及为什么要进行。
IONA Technologies, a contributer to the AMQP specification, published a short description of what AMQP is and why to pursue it. AMQP is
第1部分对整个系列进行了简要的介绍,总结了最终实现的所有组成部分,以及各部分将涵盖X forms规范的哪些方面。
Part 1 is an introduction to the entire series, summarizing all the portions of the end result and what facets of the XForms specification each part covers.
This paper also briefly overviews some other current specifications for data exchange.
This article briefly introduced the basic conditions and part contents in relative specifications for anti-seismic strengthening design of multi-story masonry buildings.
This paper briefly states the criterion, provision and standard of panel in furniture manufacture, introduces the projects that should be perfected.
This paper firstly introduces J2EE technical specification briefly, then it explains the EJB architecture and its components.
This article introduces the major contents and the implementary measures of two French laws of construction of commercial establishments.
The role of the standardized management system in the standardization of business management and the reason for its popularization globally are briefly introduced.
在简要介绍BC 95 - 378《扁平绕带式压力容器设计》主要内容的基础上,对规范制订中的有关问题作了分析讨论。
Based on the simple introduction of BC95 378 design of layered vessels using flat ribbon wound cylindrical shells, some problems in making ASME codes were analysed and discussed.
The third section completely gathers the law concerning live-sale of lands and houses during the Two Sungs, and gives a brief evaluation of the correlative law.
This article describes briefly the specifications of pure surgery department and discusses the requirements of constructing the modern pure surgery department.
In this paper, the current periodic inspection regulation system for pressure vessel and pressure piping in China is briefly introduced, comparing to related API standards and codes and RPs.
This paper briefly describes the status of handling qualities requirements of space shuttle orbiter, and presents contrast to flying qualities specification for U. S. military airplanes.
This paper briefly introduces the basic concepts of the RAISE language, and describes its semantic characteristics.
It briefly introduces the compilation of water area part of "Master Design Code of Fishery Port".
The author briefly introduces the differences between the design codes for light steel structure and structure design.
By summarizing domestic actual anti-seismic design method, steel of high-performance for anti-seismic is needed to achieve beam plastic hinge collapse mechanism which is required in the code.
This paper introduces the appliance of anti-normalization in database design, which gives some examples based on the implement of anti-normalization to optimize the database design.
简要介绍了SUN公司的J2 ME规范,并通过具体例子说明了MIDP程序的设计方法及开发过程。
Introduced the SUN's J2ME specification, and the design and development of MIDP programme is illustrate by examples.
简要介绍了《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB 5 0 0 1 0—2 0 0 2)中有关构件配筋计算的主要改变。
The main amendments of national standard Code for Design of Concrete Structures (gb50010-2002) for the reinforcement calculation are introduced.
This paper briefly introduces the technologies related to the systems development: document standardization, CMM / CMMI, virtual reality technology.
The Client /Server model using OPC technique and the MFC(Microsoft Fundation Class)and ATL(Active Template Library)programming technique for its implementation is emphasized.
The Client /Server model using OPC technique and the MFC(Microsoft Fundation Class)and ATL(Active Template Library)programming technique for its implementation is emphasized.