He can use the the left and right arrows in the toolbar to navigate through the pages of the presentation.
The next arrow, from the cell containing a 4, also points up and to the left, but the value doesn't change.
If you click the arrows, the images shift to the left or right and are replaced with a new set of images.
And the next cell also points to the left and above, but its value also doesn't change.
For example, when you move the mouse to the left, the arrowhead on the screen will also move in the direction of the left.
Cursor control keys have an up arrow, a down arrow, a left arrow, and a right arrow.
NOTE 2: All apps is the arrow pointing to the left on the start menu.
This neonate had a congenital neuroblastoma of the right adrenal. This neoplasm (marked by the white arrow) is displacing the liver to the left of the body.
Use the left arrow and right arrow keys to move the blinking vertical line.
NOTE: All apps is the arrow pointing to the left on the start menu.
当焦点在中心滑块上时,可以使用箭头键将缩放窗口向左或向右滚动1 个采样间隔,而不更改缩放窗口的大小。
When the focus is on the center slider, you can use the arrow keys to scroll the zoom window left or right 1 sampling interval without changing the size of the zoom window.
When the left slider has the focus, the arrow keys will move the starting boundary of the zoom window by 1 interval left or right.
This neoplasm (marked by the white arrow) is displacing the liver to the left of the body.
If the horizontal arrows are exchanged, left for right, this becomes the energy flow diagram for fire.
Nudge selected topic in direction of arrow-higher, lower, to left or to right (flowcharts).
Nudge selected topic in direction of arrow-higher, lower, to left or to right (flowcharts).