To develop a new selective steroid receptor modulator is one of the targets in future study to treat osteoporosis.
Conclusion RU486 has antitumor effect, but has different antitumor mechanism between steroid hormone receptor positive and negative breast cancer cell lines.
Objective To observe the changes of expression of steroid receptor coactivators(SRC) during the early stage in the burned mice, and the mechanism of glucocorticoid resistance(GCR).
在异型配子ZW胚胎中,雌激素受体、类固醇生成因子- 1和P 450芳香化酶基因的表达可刺激卵巢的形成。
While in the heterozygotic ZW embryo, expression of estrogen receptor, steroidogenic factor-1 and P450 aromatase might stimulate ovarian formation.
The "superactive AR"hypothesis was supported by the fact that the majority of AIPC expresses high level of AR and nuclear receptor(NR) coactivators, such as TIF-2, ARA24, PIAS, SRC-1.
The "superactive AR"hypothesis was supported by the fact that the majority of AIPC expresses high level of AR and nuclear receptor(NR) coactivators, such as TIF-2, ARA24, PIAS, SRC-1.