The major disadvantage of this type of actuator is air consumption, particularly when applied to large valves.
As with most constructs in MDM Server, relationships are type-driven and you therefore have the ability to define the types of relationships of interest.
The key variables driving cost are size and type of order, special versus standard order, and so on, not high-loyalty versus divided-loyalty customers.
This is a slightly cryptic prompt asking you which type of ODBC driver you want to configure, and where it is installed.
You need to know the type of the data source, the driver used to connect to it, and the login information (in most cases, login and password).
A business state machine is a special type of business process because it is event driven, and its actions depend on the current state of the process.
The Self-Service pattern addresses user interface driven interactions between a business and its various types of users.
菜单项可以是不同的类型;在本例中,所有动作都是URL驱动的,因此每个菜单项都配置了一个 URL,该 URL 在选项被选中时调用。
Menu items can be of different types; in this example all the actions are URL driven, so each menu option is configured with the URL to be invoked when the option is selected.
The three types of frameworks covered in this series are modularity, data-driven, and keyword driven.
Use cases drive the testing process, but they cannot directly address many types of tests cases.
Finite state machines are most useful in situations where behavior is driven by many different types of events, and the response to a particular event depends on the sequence of previous events.
For the driver type, select CICS SOAP from the drop-down list since we are generating the message adapter that will be deployed to a SOAP for CICS environment.
Of the three types of frameworks this series will cover (modularity, data-driven, and keyword driven), a modularity framework is the simplest to understand and to implement.
Some types of air conditioning can even use the heat to power their chillers in summer.
This style of replication is referred to as event-driven (immediate) replication, in contrast to standard replication that occurs on a schedule.
您可以对任何支持XML数据类型并提供JDBC 4.0驱动程序的数据库使用SQLXML数据类型。
You can use the SQLXML data type with any database that supports the XML data type, and provides a JDBC 4.0 driver.
That said, chances are that the dust will settle on the current style of Advanced Format disk, as well as other new drive types, relatively quickly.
此断言将作为上下文的一部分提供,并驱动dynamic Assembler基于客户类型选择特定的贷款提供者服务。
Supplied as a part of the context, this assertion drives the Dynamic Assembler to choose a particular loan provider service based on the customer type.
Understanding Task Types, Effort-driven Scheduling, and Resource Assignments
Depending on the type of drive you might want to use the Windows "Safely Remove Hardware" tool to shut it down and flush the drive first.
Linu x源代码是学习有关大多数设备类型的设备驱动程序设计最佳方法,包括网络设备驱动程序。
The Linux source code is a great way to learn about the design of device drivers for a multitude of device types, including network device drivers.
首先,必须在OracleResponseFile . txt文件中指定Oracle数据库名称、JDBC驱动程序位置、驱动程序类型、数据库服务器主机名和oracle端口号属性。
You must first specify the Oracle database name, JDBC driver location, driver type, database server host name, and Oracle port number attributes in the OracleResponseFile.txt file.
我已经说明了用户驱动类型(如automobile - policy和policyholder - information)的语义。
I have already showed you the semantics of user-derived schema types such as automobile-policy and policyholder-information.
Today, there are three main types of space sail: solar ( the one NASA plans to test), electric (being developed in Finland) and magnetic (a concept popular in the 1980s that never quite took off).
When you exchange the adapter, the existing device driver supports the adapter because it is of the same type.
The broker supports type 4 drivers, but does not supply them.
Whenever you run into any type of problem using the JCC driver, the typical response for further diagnosis is to take a JCC trace.
Please note the attributes mentioned below under each type of driver attributes are the most common ones found in ODBC applications.