Cloud cover: UV radiation levels are highest under cloudless skies but even with cloud cover, they can be high.
A study has shown that compounds found in the fruit protect cells from the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun - the leading environmental cause of skin cancer.
Reducing the time spent in sunlight helps minimise exposure to UV radiation, which creates free radicals known to damage and age tissues prematurely.
Swirls of green in Hubble's ultraviolet and visible-light view reveal hydrogen and sulfur gas that have been heated and ionized by intense ultraviolet radiation from the Trapezium's stars.
Hanson's research team found that three UV filters widely used in sunscreens generate ROS when skin is exposed to UV radiation.
Scientists at the University of California at Riverside have found that molecules(6) that block UV radiation in sunscreen can, over time, penetrate(7) into the skin, leaving the outer body vulnerable.
找一副能阻挡99- 100%的紫外线a辐射和紫外线B辐射的太阳眼镜。
They help block ultraviolet radiation, which can mutate plant DNA and damage the photosynthesis that allows a plant to make its food.
The deuterium lamp is often used as ultraviolet ray lamp in UV measuring instrument, the measuring accuracy of the instrument has close correlation with the stability of radiation energy.
The resistance of the color on dials to ultraviolet rays is tested by placing them under a projector which simulates a 365-day exposure to sunlight within just 72 hours.
Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to health. This article introduces the testing methods of textile ultraviolet protection and the attentive problems in testing.
Researchers commented that ultra violet radiation (UVR) in Australia is such that it even in winter its level of UVR exceed those of European countries in the summer.
The effect of UV-radiation on PET and the stabilizing role of dulling agents and UV shield agents were investigated.
The effect of fibre kinds, fabric texture, the depth of shade and after treatment on protection from UVR were researched.
UVR causes damage at cellular level - solaria are a source of both UVA and UVB.
UV inhibitors are another clear coat additive that helps prevent the sun's ultra violet rays from fading the color coat under the clear coat.
Ultraviolet Stabilizers: While much of the sun's high-energy radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere, some radiation in the 280 to 400 nm (ultraviolet) range reaches the earth's surface.
Ultraviolet Stabilizers: While much of the sun's high-energy radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere, some radiation in the 280 to 400 nm (ultraviolet) range reaches the earth's surface.