• 德国托马斯·多尔澳大利亚的苏齐·沃尔沙姆2月3举行的纽约帝国大厦比赛中双双蝉联冠军

    Thomas Dold of Germany and Australian Suzy Walsham are repeat winners at the annual Empire State Building Run-Up in New York City Tuesday.


  • 这个为了世界博览会落成金属建筑曾经保持世界最高建筑45直到纽约帝国大厦出现

    This for the World Expo and the completion of the metal building, once the world's tallest building for 45 years, until the emergence of The Empire State Building in New York.


  • 帝国大厦人们熟悉的纽约高楼大厦中的地标

    The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline.


  • 世贸大厦倒榻一天,帝国大厦一次成为纽约最高建筑

    On the day the World Trade Center fell, the Empire state building once again became the tallest building in New York City.


  • 帝国大厦这场节能浪潮旗手纽约这栋标志性摩天大楼的翻新工作目前到了最后阶段减少帝国大厦40%的碳排放

    The Empire State Building is the flag bearer for the trend: the iconic New York skyscraper is in the finishing stages of a retrofit that will cut its emissions by almost 40%.


  • 纽约华尔街40克莱斯勒大厦帝国大厦相继于1929年至1931年三年中落成随之而来不是新的繁荣,而是空前的大萧条

    The successive completion of No. 40 Wall Street, Chrysler Building and Empire State Building in New York, however, was followed by unprecedented Great Depression, instead of a new boom.


  • 除了自由女神像,帝国大厦世贸中心都是纽约地标。

    Besides the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building and the new World Center Building are also the landmarks in new York.


  • 我们纽约之行的精彩部分登上帝国大厦

    The highlight of our trip to New York was going to the top of Empire State Building.


  • 1993年,华尔道夫酒店认定纽约标志性建筑。其它标志性建筑帝国大厦布鲁克林大桥

    The Waldorf Astoria was named a New York City landmark in 1993. Other landmarks are the Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge.


  • 许多年中纽约帝国大厦世界上最高楼房

    For many years the Empire State building in New York City was the tallest building in the world.


  • 纽约地标建筑帝国大厦,曾是世界上最高摩天楼目前成为全球环保大楼之一。

    New York City's iconic Empire State Building-once the tallest skyscraper in the world-is now going to become one of the greenest buildings in the world.


  • 纽约标志或许帝国大厦自由女神像即便最新建筑努力表现着这座城市历史

    The Empire State building and the Statue of Liberty may be symbolic of New York City, but even its newest additions play an important role in expressing the history of this place.


  • 这部影片的编剧兼导演薛晓路也是名女性。但该片并非那部1993年经典电影的续集但是影片将最后一幕场景设在纽约帝国大厦几乎是对经典最原汁原味的致敬

    The movie, also written and directed by a woman, is neither a remake nor a sequel to the 1993 classic, but it pays almost slavish homage by setting the final scene in New York's Empire State Building.


  • 这部影片的编剧兼导演薛晓路也是名女性。但该片并非部1993年经典电影续集,但是影片将最后一幕场景设在纽约帝国大厦几乎是对经典最原汁原味的致敬

    Thee movie, also written and directed by a woman, is neither a remake nor a sequel to the 1993classic, but it pays almost slavish homage by setting the final scene in New York's Empire StateBuilding.


  • 纽约著名帝国大厦纽约一个标志性建筑,与周围建筑相应成趣,形成一道亮丽风景线。

    New York's famous Empire State building, a New York City Landmark, makes a beautiful site for the buildings surrounding it.


  • 纽约也是世界上著名摩天大厦故乡是因为纽约帝国大厦的存在。

    New York is also home to the world's most famous skyscraper-the Empire State Building.


  • 夜幕降临时纽约点亮了,彩色灯光使帝国大厦看起来非常美丽迷人

    When night comes, New York city is lighted up and the colorful lights making Empire State Building look very beautiful and charming.


  • 芝加哥西尔斯塔442纽约帝国大厦高381米, 哪座建筑更高

    Sears Tower in Chicago is 442 m tall. Empire State Building in New York is 381m tall. Which one is taller?


  • 完工帝国大厦成为纽约重要标志

    Upon its completion, the Empire State Building became an icon for all things New York.


  • 完工帝国大厦成为纽约重要标志

    Upon its completion, the Empire State Building became an icon for all things New York.


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