The least square method is popularly used in linear and non-linear regressions for data fitting and estimating model parameters.
NLREG is a powerful statistical analysis program that performs linear and nonlinear regression analysis, surface and curve fitting.
Based on the data observed, 34 regression models on the morphological variables and biomass of the seedlings were set up using linear, multilinear and non linear regression.
Simulation results and real measuring data calculations show that the precision estimation efficiency can be obtained by our method for a large class of linear and nonlinear regression models.
The support vector machine (SVM) is a linear classification machine, it is used commonly in the pattern recognition and nonlinear regression.
As in ordinary regression models, the problem of the heteroscedasticity test still exists in nonlinear models with correlated errors, but, the test for correlation also needs to be considered.
The Results show that the forecast value of ANN is clearly better than that of regression analysis method.
The non linear regression and non linear optimization methods for operating conditions were introduced.
We combine unitary nonlinear regression with multivariate linear regression, it can reduce the error sum of squares of the model and improve the precision of forecast.
Data smoothing is a perpetual topic in mathematical statistics. In practice we usually use regression to smooth data, including linear regression and nonlinear regression.
Data smoothing is a perpetual topic in mathematical statistics. In practice we usually use regression to smooth data, including linear regression and nonlinear regression.